Options on showing external dimensions and wall hatching and solid walls on the current drawing

Both the solid wall display, and wall hatching style are for real estate and builder & other advertising printouts, you should stay with the normal display for drawing the designs

Options on showing floors below to guide you on designing the current floor

Shown on the drawing title as .PLN, PL1 and PL2

Always draw in the order ground floor, first, second floor, so you can use the overlay of the floor below to guide you.- you can customise these drawing title names

Used to draw, redraw or just view an upper floor, select VIEW / FIRST FLOOR or / SECOND FLOOR
A message box will appear
If the floor has been drawn previously you will be asked if you want to view the floor, or redraw it,

If no upper floor has been drawn, the message box will ask if the external dimensions are the same as the floor below. The external wall dialogue box will then appear, and If the dimensions are the same, the upper floor plan will appear with the selected walls.
1/ If the external dimensions will not be the same, the floor below will show in the overlay colour, as a guide for marking the floor you want to draw.
just draw your external walls as normal - press enter on start, work clockwise, use arrow keys for wall direction, or press 'A' key for angled walls, return and press enter on starting point
lower floor overlay

2/ upper floor external walls complete
upper floor

3/ finished floor complete with lower floor lines coloured
upper floor with overlay

This is a view of your room layout, before marking the external walls to form a plan view. Layout views cannot be zoomed up, but you can usezoom / fit on screen or zoom / shrink by half

If you originally use the 'layout design rooms' option to draw the base, you can go back to it, adjust and re mark the external walls at any time by selecting view / layout - but once you re select the 'mark external walls' icon the earlier plan view will be overwritten

1/ use EDIT / MOVE ROTATE to position and rotate your house
site plan move

2/ you can use TOOLS / LINE or TOOLS / LINE + TEXT to draw your boundaries and OTHER / MANUAL DIMENSIONS to show distances
site plan finish

Shows the floor area overall all walls on each floor and the total of all floors

Results from this function should always be checked manually
if you have over 8 face walls on any side, the area calculator may be erratic.