26001 񚅐0 26002 ⺳(Wn0-姎[0 Y鬴Y00ASRj0yr)jL0B00~0[00 26003 ⺳(Wn0-姎[0 Y鬴Y00ASRj0yr)jL0B00~0[00 26004 i鶴򈆸򶖆0RgSW0f0D0~0Y0 26005 -姎[󤕘񍲄0鴉M0S00g0D0~0Y0: \n%s 26006 Panda Antivirus󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 26007 Panda Antivirus Lite 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 0񍬦 26051 񓰮00i鶴򎎰􏦜 26052 񇞼򶌤0O(u颯齹 /򹑜򎍂񯡺񊩺卂_j Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0 26053 Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄򎊢-姎[ 26054 S0n0󤕘񍲄𖏢񍲄򎐨񩜬0Y00 26055 Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0-󤖨00B00D0o0x悶bW0_0􉕌򔤶򋅪򎎰􏦜 26056 񇩤򦴪񍲄0-姎[񠌌򈎄00h:y 26057 0󽊦򼓪h:y 26058 񓰮00 񍳔򈉄00 0󽊦򼓪h:y 26059 Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0 -0󽊦򼓪h:y 26060 񍳔򈉄00 󤕘񍲄L0B00~0[00 26061 pS7RY00h0M0 26062 񇩤򦴪񍲄򎊢R0f0񍳔򎒾00W0_0h0M0k0o00\nY0y0f0n0󤖨00-Nn0􉕌򔤶0Y0y0f0𖒠񩜬0Y00S0h00J0鏡0W0~0Y00\nY0y0f0n0󤖨00-Nn0􉕌򔤶0Y0y0f0𖒠񩜬0W0~0Y0K00 26063 f婮T 26064 񇞼򶌤0O(u颯齹 /򹑜򎍂񯡺񊩺卂_j Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0 26101 􉕌򔤶0 󹽜0 26102 󤕘񍲄 26103 񍳔򁹶0 􉕌򔤶0 󹽜0 26104 񓰮00 26105 - 茩dn0 26106 鹹誖n0 26107 TMR Y鬴n0 26108 񍳔򁹶0 26109 Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0L0\ObW0_00󽊦0 26110 錘 Nn0񓰮00L0媺d0K00~0W0_004X@b 26111 񓰮00i鶴 %s 26112 Panda Antivirus󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0o0錘 Nn0񓰮0򎊢i鶴W0~0W0_00􉕌򔤶0\n 26113 頬鶴篘 26114 沎HQ 26115 鯪 26116 錯豊 26117 ,g篘頬鶴 \n \n 26118 񇣀00 26119 AP.RPT 26120 26121 茩dn0 26122 鹹誖n0 26123 TMR Y鬴n0 26124 񇢄󪥄000錯豊 26125 􉕌򔤶0-Nk0錘 Nn0񓰮00L0媺d0K00~0W0_00\n 26151 eQ汻U00_0󘅨000o0ckW0O0B00~0[000 26152 癳W0D0󘅨000h0簒崐U00_0󘅨000L0N魜W0~0[000\n0F0NeQ汻W0f0O0`0U0D00 26153 Panda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴 26154 JA_EX.HLP 26155 GLOBAL.MSG 26201 񓰮00 26202 񍳔򁹶0 26203 媺d0K0c0_0󤕘񍲄 26251 g躥錯 26252 kp躥錯 26253 4l躥錯 26254 (g躥錯 26255 褢躥錯 26256 W躥錯 26257 錯躥錯 26301 򎕲񍳔瀶 26302 駛瀶 26303 󽇼򼗮0瀶 26304 󤠨00瀶 26305 񍫌00瀶 26306 򿛖0瀶 26307 񬢪򈃒瀶 26308 򎘰󔾸0瀶 26309 -N齎瀶 26351 N, 26352 w嵳R 26353 0񇨔򠪦0 26354 񠐤򹚪00(彇Bf) 26355 񇩤񍳔򎒾00-Nk0񚅐0L0w峂0~0W0_00\nPanda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴 26501 󘅨000 Y鬴 26502 錘MRn0󘅨000: 26503 癳W0D0󘅨000: 26504 癳W0D0󘅨00򿘢簒崐: 26505 &OK 26506 &񩜬0򔢌 26551 Panda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴 26552 &姙: 26553 򎎰􏦜񠌌򈎄0 26554 &󋲈0eQP[_ 􉕌򔤶򋅪򎎰􏦜 26555 &'W.~󤕘񍲄𖒠񩜬0 26556 茩d柂0󪢤00 26557 &茩d 26558 &󤕘񍲄0鹹誖 26559 茩d朙0 N颯齹j0h0M0 26560 &󤕘񍲄0鹹誖 26561 &鹹誖 26562 &*g瓓􉞆0𖒠񩜬0 26563 &8^Bf 26564 Y0y0f0 26565 &錯T0h0 26566 񓰮00zv媺婲a宯0愬w 26567 &􉕌򔤶0k0f婮T0?ceQ 26568 &愥Ok0f婮T 26569 &諲n0譙酧k0f婮T 26570 &tk0􉕌򔤶򋅪愥O 26571 &񇞼򶌤0O(u颯齹 26572 &󘅨00򿘢 Y鬴 26573 P}済n00󽊦0 26574 􉕌򔤶򋍀񖺜0n0: 26575 i鶴񓰮00: 26576 茩dn0񓰮00: 26577 & k0d0D0f0... 26578 tn0麞P[􉞆0񇣀00 26579 S000n0񠌌򈎄0(u󘅨00򿛂񯠌0 26580 &󭯤0 26581 &!q枆 26582 & TMR Y鬴 26583 &􉕌򔤶򋅪򎎰􏦜 26584 &愥O 26585 i鶴颯齹j0񓰮00n0pe 26586 񓰮0򎕀񄘖0n0錯豊 26587 &i(u 26588 P}済󤕘񍲄n0\Ob 26589 񇞼򶌤0O(u颯齹 &򁺊00 26590 񇞼򶌤0O(u颯齹 &髼餢 26591 & 򶎈򎒾... 26592 & x悶b... 26593 󕋎򋒼0 񇢄󪥄00 26594 i鶴颯齹j0񓰮00n0pe: 26595 񓰮00 󤕘񍲄n0錯0 26596 񇣀󕉴0 N} >> 26597 &譙酧n0 26598 &譙酧Bf 26599 & Y鬴Bf 26600 w嵳RBf 26601 癳W0D0󘅨00򿘢eQ汻 26602 󘅨000: 26603 Potentially dangerous attachments 26604 Delete the following attachments: 26605 Files with double extension 26606 Files with the following extensions: 26607 Extensions 26608 Configure warnings 26609 Report 26610 Warnings in messages 26611 Insert warnings in the messages modified by the antivirus 26612 Do not insert warnings in outbound messages 26622 Warnings configuration 26623 Via e-mail 26624 Configuration of dangerous attached files 26625 Dangerous attached file extensions 26626 Attached files with the following extensions will be considiered dangerous. 26627 New extension 26628 Add 26629 Remove 26630 Clear list 26631 Restore 26632 List of extensiones 26651 􉕌򔤶0 񻼜򶙄0 26652 񓰮00L0zv媺U00_0h0M0k00􉕌򔤶0k0+T0_0D0򶎈򎒾 26701 󘅨000eQ汻 26702 󘅨000: 26751 񇣀󕉴0 N} -񇩤񍳔򎒾00 26752 &񇩤񍳔򎒾00 26753 f婮T0W0S0n0񠌌򈎄00焄L圷00h00Panda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴(u 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0o00񇩤񍳔򎒾00U00~0Y00S00o00򈆸򶖆w嵳RBf摃00񇨔򠪦00彇Bfk0 麞P[􉞆0􉕌򔤶0L00񇩤򦴪񍲄0g0󪫀򶎜򈎄0U00j0O0j00S0h00asTW0~0Y00 26754 ]000Y00_00k00Panda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴(u 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0o00gB}剉k0񇩤򦴪񍲄򎊢􉚂00K00񇩤000W00󪫀񲬐􆈪񇩤񍳔򎒾00Y00_00k00陙誖剉k0񙼌򎑸񗁼0B00D0o0񇝢򼡤򬿴󪫀񲬐􆈪墪X0~0Y00 27000 27001 & 󤖨0򣴞00n0瓓0紡0-N... 27002 & 򎎰􏦜-N... 27003 򎎰􏦜B}哊 27004 Panda Antivirus 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄00'W.~󤕘񍲄𖒠񩜬0-N 27005 񓰮00 27006 񍳔򁹶0 27007 媺d0K0c0_0󤕘񍲄 27008 頬鶴篘 27009 沎HQ 27010 鯪 27011 錯豊 27012 􉕌򔤶򋍀񖺜0n0: 27013 񓰮00n0pe: 27014 &񩜬0򔢌 27015 󤕘񍲄 27016 񠏊򋎚0􉕌򔤶0 27017 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄00􉕌򔤶򋅪򎎰􏦜-N 27018 򎒪0򠭸 27019 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄00󤖨0򣬪򎎰􏦜-N 27020 &OK 27021 &墪X00 27022 &󤖨0򣬪򎎰􏦜-N 27023 Panda Antivirus 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄00󋲈򼠀򭁬0򋅪򎎰􏦜-N 27024 & k0d0D0f0 27025 & s0}.. 27026 񯪖00 󅯐0 27027 Panda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴 0󽊦0 27028 Panda Antivirus Exchange/Outlook󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 񙼌򎑸񗁼0/񇝢򼡤򬿴 27029 񍳔򈉄00 0򎒾 27030 錯豊/ Bf摃 婐 27031 󤖨00: 27032 鯪: 27033 󳻾0 27034 󘎬򣯊0򦴪񍲄0 - 񍳔򈉄00s0} 27035 􉕌򔤶0錯豊: 27036 󤖨00: 27037 鯪: 27038 Panda Antivirus 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0 - P}済 27039 錯豊h0Bf摃 27040 婐 27041 pS7R 27042 s0}0+T0 27043 JRd 27044 񇞼򈎄0: 27045 󤕘񍲄茩dn0 27046 󤕘񍲄鹹誖n0 27047 󤕘񍲄 TMR Y鬴n0 27048 茩dn0 27049 i鶴 27050 񇞼򈎄0 27051 򋒼0 2怢埗r羖 27052 򎎰􏦜n0: 27053 󤕘񍲄 򎎰􏦜n0: 27054 a觛󤕘񍲄: 27055 茩d朩0_0󤕘񍲄: 27056 񓰮00i鶴: 27057 񓰮00茩dn0: 27058 Bf摃: 27059 譙酧 27060 񓰮00zv媺 27061 塸en0񓰮0򎊢zv媺 27062 񓰮00i鶴󪫀򔚘B}哊 27063 񓰮00i鶴󪫀򔚘-Nbk 27064 B0j0_0n0􉕌򔤶0n0񓰮00i鶴󪫀򔚘o0B}哊W0~0W0_00 27065 B0j0_0n0􉕌򔤶0n0񓰮00i鶴󪫀򔚘o0-NbkU00~0W0_00 27066 gB}P}済 27067 Panda Antivirus 󘎬0 񇩤򦴪񍲄0pS7R-N 27068 & 0󽊦0pS7R-N... 27069 񓰮00zv媺 27070 񓰮00o0zv媺U00~0[00g0W0_00 27071 򎎰􏦜o0-NbkU00~0W0_00 27072