Pack Albums
If you want to send your favourite albums to your friends, who doesn't have PhotoFamily currently, what will you do? Barely send a series of pictures insteadú┐No, now you can pack your albums into an .EXE file, which can run on any computer!
Click to select the Album you want to pack, then select Pack Album in Tools menu, a dialog will appear:
In the Options combo box, you can choose whether to pack Album music and Image music with the images. These music files are usually large, so you may skip them to produce a smaller packed Album.
In the Mode combo box, you can choose whether you would like your packed Album to run like a Virtual Album (As you can enjoy in Album View), or like a Slide Show (In the same form with Image View).
If you want to keep your Albums private, you can use a password. Check Password Protect checkbox, then type any string of letters into Password and Re-enter Password entry boxes as your password. Notice that the string(s) you type into the two entry boxes should be Exactly the Same.
At last in the Package File combo box, you should choose to where your packed Album should be saved (use button to browse for a folder), give your packed Album a name, and decide in which format your packed Albums should be (you can either select from the Type pull-down list, or click
to make a choice).
After you have done all the settings, press to start packing your Album, or press
to cancel your operation and close the dialog.