Change Image Format

    PhotoFamily supports most of popular image formats, each of which has its own strong points. .JPEG files occupy less room in your harddisk than other image files, .GIF files support animation, .PNG files support Alpha Transparency, etc. So, sometimes you may need to convert some files to other formats to meet your needs, and PhotoFamily provides Batch Convert function for your convenience.

    Select all the files which need to be converted (use Shift and Ctrl key if necessary), then click Convert All in File menu, a dialog box will appear:

Batch Convert

    In the first pull-down list, you can choose to what format you want to convert the selected files. From the below for radio boxes you shall choose in what way you want to keep the files after conversion.

    After you have done the settings, press Convert to start conversion, or press Cancel to abort the operation and close the dialog. Please notice that different file formats support different color palettes, sometimes conversion may cause quality loss. If PhotoFamily thinks the conversion will damage the images, it will pop up a warning dialog, asking you to decide whether you should continue conversion or stop it.