Functions in PhotoFun catagory are designed to make unique prints. Maybe you would like a calendar made from you own photos?
In PhotoEdit interface, move your mouse cursor onto the Fourth button on Task Bar, and click on the pop-up sub-task bar. Then some templates appear on Operation Panel:
Double-click any of the templates, or click to select a template and press to apply the template to current image. Your photo will soon turn into a calendar page. You can see the effect in the large Preview Window in the middle of PhotoEdit interface.
Now you will see a new button on Operation Panel. Click it to set detailed calendar settings.
After you click the Calendar Setting button, the Operation Panel will change to Calendar Setting page, as shown in the picture on the right. In the upper preview window you can preview the calendar.
Follow the following steps to setup your own calendar:
1. Type the Year into the first textbox in the first line, and type the Month into the second textbox in the first line. The default settings in these two textboxes are the current year and month on your system clock.
2. If you would like your weeks on calendar to begin from Monday, check From Monday checkbox.
3. Click the color blocks below From Monday checkbox to open color palette, in which you can select your desired colors to redefine Color for Weekday and Color for Holiday.
4. Mark your special days on calendar. PhotoFamily provides two ways for you to mark your special days:
- Mark them with a special color. Click to select any of the colors in the color block row to the right of
icon, or click the larger color block on the left end of the color block row, and select a color from the pop-up color palette. Now you mouse cursor will change to on the above preview window. You can click any day to mark it.
- Mark them with Symbol. Click to select a symbol from the symbol row to the right of
icon, click and to move the symbols in the row. When you have chosen a symbol, your mouse cursor will change to on the above preview window. You can click any day to mark it.
When you have done all the settings in this page, click to go back to Calendar Template page.
If you are satisfied with your new calendar, click on Toolbar to save the effect to current image, otherwise click on Toolbar to reload the original version of the image. |