Welcome to Opera

Thank you for choosing to browse the World Wide Web with Opera.

About Opera 7

Opera is a powerful Web browser, with all the additional features and functions needed to take full advantage of the Internet.

Less is more

At Opera Software, we believe in making state-of-the-art software. Opera has always been renowned for its speed and small size. But when designing Opera 7, we aimed for an even faster, smaller, and more feature-rich browser with a rewritten rendering engine.

We are proud to say that we succeeded in what would seem as pushing beyond the impossible. And then we even included a revolutionary news and e-mail client, M2.

An open Web

Strictly adhering to the official Web standards has always been important to Opera Software. We support efforts to open the Web to all standards-compliant browsers on all platforms.

Usability and accessibility

Surfing the Web is better with software developed with usability and accessibility in mind. We are therefore confident that users will find that Opera offers the best Internet experience.

About the help

Opera's help function offers the information you need to use Opera and M2 to browse and communicate on the Internet.

Table of contents

You can always get access to the complete help content. This table can be added to Opera's Hotlist.


Navigate the help with the "Next" and "Previous" buttons on the Navigation bar. Clicking "First" will always take you back to this page.

Tip: If you have disabled the Navigation bar, you can enable it from the View menu.


The "Home" button takes you to the help front page where you find an overview of the help function and links to more information on the Web.


If you encounter a term you do not understand, go to the "Glossary" page to look it up.

On-line search

For easy access to Opera's powerful knowledge base, enter a search in the search field and press the "Search on-line" button.