Error code | Explanation | Definition | Status |
000 | No Errors Found | Successful operation. The drive is defect free. | No Errors |
100 | No Errors Found | Successful operation. The drive is defect free. | No Errors |
101 | Unknown Error | An unknown error has occurred during testing. This may be an anomaly. Check connections and retest. If the error repeats, replace the drive. | Re-Test Drive |
102 | Seek Timeout | A Seek command did not complete in the time allotted for its completion. This may be an anomaly or a defect with the drive. Retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
103 | Write Fault Error | A Write command during the test has failed to complete. This may be due to a media or read/write error. It may also be due to a defective connection. Retest after checking the connections. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
104 | Drive Not Ready | The drive did not properly respond to test commands. This may be due to a defect with the drive or the drive may not have responded properly due to a bad connection. Check cabling and retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
106 | Track 0 Error | Track 0 was not properly detected. Track 0 on the drive must be accessed to perform parts of various internal tests. Track 0 also holds information about the drive. This error may have internal and external reasons. Retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
107 | Check Sum Error | Accumulated test data on the drives is corrupted. Check cabling & retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
108 | Seek Not Complete | A Seek command did not complete in the time allotted. This may be an anomaly or a defect with the drive. Retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
112 | IRQ Timeout | Interrupt ReQuest Interrupt signal not received. An interrupt command to perform a specific task failed to complete. This may be due to an internal error or to a failed connection which did not allow the interrupt command to be sent to the drive properly. Check cabling and retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive |
115 | ICRC Error | Ultra DMA CRC error. Data sent between the host computer and the drive has been corrupted. If the system cannot properly handle a drive running a specific Ultra ATA rate such as ATA100, the data may become corrupted. To run in ATA 66 and ATA100 rates, an Ultra ATA 80 -conductor cable must be used. Check cabling & retest. May need to run DLGUDMA to set the drive to a slower speed or replace the IDE cable. You may also want to reroute your IDE cable away from sources of electronic bus noise such as your CPU, Power Supply, etc. | Re-Test Drive |
116 | IDNF Error | Address Not Found Error. The Identify Drive Command has not received an acceptable response from the drive. This may be due to a defect. Ensure that you are using the latest version of DLGDIAG and that your cable is in good working condition. Retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-Test Drive with latest DLGDIAG |
117 | Uncorrectable ECC Error | Uncorrectable Error Correction Code (ECC) Error. There could be media errors present on this drive. If the automatic repair feature is unable to repair these errors, replace the drive. | Replace drive if unable to correct error |
118 | DAM Error | Data Address Mark (DAM) Error. There may be media errors present on this drive. If the automatic repair feature is unable to repair these errors, replace the drive. | Replace drive if unable to correct error |
120 | Unknown Error | An unknown error has occurred during testing. This may be an anomaly. Check connections and retest. If the error repeats, replace the drive. | Re-Test Drive |
121 | Servo Error | Servo error. This error is most likely an internal malfunction of the drive and not related to the condition of the cables etc. Retest and replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test |
132 | Command Error | Command Aborted. Please ensure that you are using the version of DLGDIAG corresponding to either newer or older Western Digital drives. | Re-test Drive with appropriate DLGDIAG |
133 | Illegal ID | FW overlay not found. The information file, which holds the data pertaining to this drive, is corrupted or missing. Replace the drive. | Re-test Drive |
134 | Busy Timeout | Timeout from checking busy bit. The drive has not responded back in the time allotted. This may be due to a defect with the drive or a bad connection. Check cable & retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test Drive |
135 | DRQ Timeout | Timeout from checking Data ReQuest Timeout (DRQ) bit. The drive has not responded back in the time allotted. This may be due to a defect with the drive or a bad connection. Check cable & retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test Drive |
136 | Bad Sector | Sector Marked Bad Error. There may be repairable media errors on a platter. The automatic repair feature can attempt a repair if possible. You may need to rescan to ensure that the repairs were effective. Replace the drive if the repair fails. | Re-test Drive |
137 | Relocated Sector | Sector Relocated. There may be repairable media errors on a platter. The automatic repair feature can attempt a repair if possible. You may need to rescan to ensure that the repairs were effective. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test Drive |
138 | Still Busy Timeout | Timeout from checking busy bit. The drive has not responded in the time allotted. This may be due to a defect with the drive or a bad connection. Check cable and retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test Drive |
148 | Not Selected | Drive not selected. The drive may not have been accessed properly possibly due to a bad connection. Replace your cable and retest. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test Drive |
159 | SMART Error | Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) Error returned during SMART Status/Self Test Command. The drive is defective. Replace. | Replace Drive |
163 | Unknown Error | Queued command timed out. The command set to be executed has timed out. This may be a drive issue, however it may be related to a defective connection. Replace your cable and retest the drive. Further errors indicate a defective drive. Replace. | Replace Drive |
200 | Drive Not Tested | Supported WD drives are initialized with this status. This is the pretest initialization code which indicates a drive is ready to be tested, but has not yet been tested. | Re-test Drive |
201 | Non-WD Drive | The drive does not have a WD serial number. This error can occur on non-Western Digital drives. It may also happen when the wrong version of DLGDIAG is used. It is also possible to see this error on defective Western Digital drives. | Re-test Drive with appropriate DLGDIAG |
202 | Drive Not Supported | Older Western Digital drives are not supported by the DLGDIAG version being used. Use the appropriate version. Version 4.12 for older drives and version 5.00 for current drives. Non-WD drives are not supported. | Re-test Drive with appropriate DLGDIAG |
204 | Missing Log File | The log file that existed at startup of DLGDIAG has been moved or no longer exists. Create and use a new DLG Tools diskette. | Re-test Drive with appropriate DLGDIAG |
205 | Aborted By User | Test was aborted by the user (Alt-X pressed during a test). | Re-test Drive |
206 | Memory Allocation Error | Unable to allocate memory for program structures. Please ensure that you are not loading any other DOS level files from the floppy prior to running DLGDIAG. This error may also appear if the floppy has been infected by a hidden virus. Check your floppy and retest. | Check Floppy and use appropriate DLGDIAG |
207 | Critical Resource Error | Unable to locate and/or use a system resource (e.g. - printer). The printer may not be attached or turned on. This error may also be related to memory issues. Please ensure that you are not loading any other DOS level files from the floppy prior to running DLGDIAG. This error may also appear if the floppy has been infected by a hidden virus. Check your floppy and retest. | Check Floppy and use appropriate DLGDIAG |
209 | Self Test Failed To Run | SMART Self Test failed to start when executed. The drive has not responded to the SMART test request. The drive has failed and must be replaced. | Replace Drive |
210 | Self Test Incomplete | SMART Self Test failed to complete (e.g. -- timed out). The failure to complete the test indicates a failed drive. Replace. | Replace Drive |
211 | 2-9 Uncorr ECC Errors | Error Correction Code (ECC) 2 through 9. A number of ECC errors (between 2 through 9) have been detected. ECC is a hardware correction technique that corrects errors. If ECC occurs, use Data Lifeguard repair option for additional error correction. Retest the drive with Data Lifeguard. | Re-test and Repair Option DLGDIAG |
212 | 10+ Uncorr ECC Errors | Error Correction Code (ECC) 10+. At least ten ECC errors have been detected. ECC is a hardware correction technique that corrects errors. If ECC occurs, use Data Lifeguard for additional error correction. Re-test the drive with Data Lifeguard. | Re-test Drive |
213 | 2-9 DAM Errors | Data Address Mark (DAM) 2-9. Several instances of information on data positioning and location could not be found. Drive should be replaced. | Replace Drive |
214 | 10+ DAM Errors | Data Address Mark (DAM) 10+. Ten or more instances of information on data positioning and location could not be found. Drive should be replaced. | Replace Drive |
215 | 2-9 IDNF Errors | Identified Data Not Found (IDNF) 2-9. Several instances of information on data positioning and location could not be found. Drive should be replaced. | Replace Drive |
216 | 10+ IDNF Errors | Identified Data Not Found (IDNF) 10+. Ten or more instances of information on data positioning and location could not be found. Drive should be replaced. | Replace Drive |
217 | 2-9 SERVO Errors | SERVO 2-9. SERVO is data on track location. Several instances of track information could not be found. Drive should be replaced. | Replace Drive |
218 | 10+ SERVO Errors | SERVO 10+. SERVO is data on track location. Ten or more instances of track information could not be found. Drive should be replaced. | Replace Drive |
219 | Drive Cable Error | Failure during cable test. The cable is loose, broken, or not plugged in. Recheck your connections and replace the cable. Retest the drive. | Re-test Drive |
220 | Drive is Locked | Security feature of the drive reports locked status. Some vendors use the security feature to ensure the usage of only specific drives in their system, or the drive may have been locked by a user using a third party utility to enable this feature. The same utility and the original code used to lock the drive are necessary to unlock this drive. Please contact the system vendor for the above-mentioned information. | Contact System Vendor |
221 | Test Not Supported | Certain older drives do not support certain SMART Self Tests. Please ensure that you are using the proper version of DLGDIAG. | Re-test with appropriate DLGDAIAG |
222 | Drive Failed the Test | The drive has failed the SMART test. Replace the drive. | Replace Drive |
223 | Errors Repaired | Errors found, but have been repaired successfully. There were media errors that were within the repair capabilities of DLGDIAG. The drive should now be defect free. | Test complete Defect Free |
224 | Errors not Repaired | Errors found and have not been repaired. There were too many errors found on this drive to be repaired. Replace the drive. | Replace Drive |
225 | Too Many Errors Found | Error count reached a threshold value. There are too many errors detected on this drive to be repaired. Replace the drive. | Replace Drive |
226 | Sector Relocation Error | Failure to relocate a sector during drive repair. The drive has to be replaced. | Replace Drive |
227 | SMART Not Supported | Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) Certain older drives do not support SMART. Please ensure that you are using the appropriate version of DLGDIAG. If the errors continue, replace the drive. | Re-test with appropriate DLGDIAG |
0001 - 0008, 0015 | SMART Error | Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) Error returned during SMART Status/Self Test Command. The drive is defective. | Replace Drive |
0009 - 0014 | SMART Error | Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) Error returned during SMART Status/Self Test Command. Retest the drive. Replace the drive if the error repeats. | Re-test Drive |