Form1 Multimedia Chunk Walker wwwwwp wwwww wwwwwwpw wwwwwww wwwwwwpw wwpwww wwwwpw Form1 CMDialog1 CommonDialog Command3 Go Top Command2 Ascend Text7 Text6 Text5 Text4 Text3 Text2 Command1 Descend Text1 Messages will apear here. Label6 Result code Label5 Flags Label4 Data offset Label3 Form type Label2 Label1 Chunk ID FileMenu &File OpenCtl &Open CloseCtl &Close ExitCtl E&xit FileTypeMenu File &Type VideoCtl &Video AudioCtl &Audio &Help HelpCtl Display &help text AboutCtl About... Form_Loadw sndPlaySound SoundName Flags mciSendStringt MCI_Command ReturnString ReturnLength Handleh mciGetErrorString MCI_Error ErrorString mciExecute GetActiveWindow mmioOpen mmInfo ChunkInfo ParentInfo Command1_Click FileInfo result MMIO_READ mmHandle mmioClose mmioDescend Text1 TextL ChunkID^ FormType- ChunkSize Command2_Click ExitCtl_ClickQ ChunkDataOffset; ChunkFlags AVIFileo OpenCtl_Click CMDialog1 Action CMDialogb Filename@ Text2# Text3 Text4 Text5 Text6 Label6_Click mmioAscend* CloseCtl_Clickh Text7u VideoCtl_Click FilterIndexx AudioCtl_Click FlicCtl_Click AnimationCtl_Click CloseCtl Enabled OpenCtl CheckData Form1 IsWaveFile FormatType mmioRead WaveData Channels sresult Sample Block Buffer} Command3_Clicka mmioSeek] ClearText boxes IsHeaderChunk: ChunkName ChunkTypeU StreamInfo- TypeP Handler Reserved1| InitialFrames Scale RateM Start LengthH SuggestedBufferSize Quality SampleSize6 SScale BitMapInfo Size# Width Heightr Planes2 BitCount Compression` SizeImage XPelsPerMeterl YPelsPerMeter ClrUsed$ ClrImportant bsizeT VideoInfo BHeight] BWidth, HelpCtl_Click Text8? Visible HelpCtl Caption character chunk Form2 AboutCtl_Click Form3 video anger VideoCtl Checked AudioCtl Left Filter AVIInfo MicroSecPerFrame MaxBytesPerSec TotalFrames Streams SteamsI AWidth AHeight AScaleA ARate AStart ALength TextInfo Testingt DisplayEncounter DisplayEncoutner DISPInfo TextDesc DISPType DType ISBJData ISBJInfo Form_Unload Cancel AboutCtl_Click AudioCtl_Click *.wav CheckData AVIHeader Get stream header data. Failed to read AVI stream header. Display results.L Scale: Length: Quality factor: Default data rate: Compression method: Determine if audio or video format. "vids" chunk.s Display video information.o AVIFormat Get stream format data. Determine if audio or video format. "vids" chunk.s Display video information.o Failed to read AVI stream format (type: Display results.u Header size: Color depth: bits. Image size: Compression method: Get format chunk? Get data about this file. Failed to read Wave file format. Display results. Audio data is mono, stereo, with a sample resolution of bits. Display file information. Failed to read main AVI header. Display results.A sresult$ = "Maximum data rate: " + Str$(CInt(AVIInfo.MaxBytesPerSec / 1024)) + " K/sec" + CRLF Total Frames: Video data only; no audio track. Contains audio and video data. Width: Height: Display chunk type: Chunk data is too large to read. May not be text! Display text. Use a different structure.a Failed to read ISBJ chunk correctly. Chunk contents: Failed to read DISP chunk correctly. DISP chunk type: Chunk contents: Display results.p ClearText Clear text boxes. CloseCtl_Click File closed successfully. *** Danger!*** Error closing file! Clear text boxes. Command1_Click Descended. Error. End of file. No more chunks! Unknown error. Whatch out! No file is open. Command2_Click Ascended. Error. End of file. No more chunks! Unknown error. Whatch out! No file is open. Command3_Click Could not seek to beginning of file. Positioned at top of file. ExitCtl_Click Form_Load Video (*.avi)|*.AVI|Audio (*.wav)|*.WAV *.avi Form_Unload HelpCtl_Click OpenCtl_Click File already open. Close it first. AVIFile = "c:\ron\video\anger.avi" Unable to open opened with handle VideoCtl_Click *.avi