Music Draw Version 1.1.s By BunkCo (C) John Bunk, 1992-3 Read Me File ---- -- ---- What the Program Is and What You Need To Use It ---- --- ------- -- --- ---- --- ---- -- --- -- Music Draw is a Microsoft Windows(TM) 3.1 based music entry program which lets you enter MIDI information in an easy way. The user interface is object oriented and much information is hidden so creating a song by mouse doesn't have to be a lot of work. This program is NOT a sequencer or a music notation program, though it may look like one in certain ways. To run Music Draw, you will need (minimum): - GS Standard MIDI Synthesizer - MIDI I/O Board (could be combined with synthesizer) - Windows 3.1 with drivers for MIDI I/O Board - Minimum of 2 Mbyte of RAM (probably 4) - Color VGA display - Mouse (2 Button minimum) Windows 3.1 must be configured as follows: - MIDI driver for I/O is installed and working - "MIDI Mapper" is installed and configured for GS Synthesizer - have the following fonts installed (default Windows 3.1) - MS Sans Serif - Arial Music Draw is designed for the Roland SCC-1 GS Sound Card, which sounds great and integrates a MIDI I/O card with the sound board as well. Any other GS (or to some extent, a General MIDI) synth will do as well. Warranty / License -------- - ------- ************************************************************** * PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING! * * ------ * ************************************************************** The Music Draw software and documentation package is provided on an AS-IS basis for use with NO guarantee or warranty of proper operation. You, the user of Music Draw, assume ALL risks of damages and results upon installing and using Music Draw. Installation or usage of this product constitutes your acceptance of all terms and conditions for Music Draw. BunkCo does not warrant the fitness of Music Draw for operation. BunkCo does not and cannot warrant operation of Music Draw will be error-free or uninterrupted. Under ABSOLUTELY NO circumstances will BunkCo be liable to you for ANY damages, including lost profits, lost savings, of any other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or failure of Music Draw, even if BunkCo is advised of the possibility of any damages. BunkCo disclaims all other warranties in regards to Music Draw. In no event shall BunkCo's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. Even if any provision of any term or condition specified is found invalid, void, or unenforceable, the validity of the balance of the terms and conditions shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to the warranty shall be brought only in a State or Federal Court of competent jurisdiction located in Ventura County, California. The parties hereby agree to in personam jurisdiction of said courts. Look, BunkCo is NOT responsible for anything. If you do not or cannot accept all terms and conditions specified, please REMOVE Music Draw from your computer RIGHT NOW (for either the shareware version or the registered version) and consult where you purchased Music Draw (registered version only) for a refund. Installation Procedures: ------------ ----------- Run INSTALL.EXE under Windows(TM) 3.1. Select which drive you want to install Music Draw to and press the "INSTALL" button. The installation will then proceed to completion. The installation program should copy all Music Draw files to a subdirectory called 'MUSDRW' under the root of the selected drive. A new program group called MusicDraw with an icon of the same name should be created in the Program Manager (or whatever Program Manager compatible shell you're using.) If you are asked to check the files during installation, the files which should be present under the same path as the installation program are: - bitbtn.dll - utildll.dll - musdrw.exe - musdrw.hlp - readme.txt (this file) - install.exe To Run Music Draw: -- --- ----- ----- Double click on the Music Draw icon with the Music Draw group in Program Manager to start the program. If the software is copied onto the hard disk and no Music Draw icon exists (installation problem), manually create a Program Manager entry before starting Music Draw. How to Use Music Draw: --- -- --- ----- ----- Currently, a on-line help file which describes how to use Music Draw is available under Music Draw. To use the on-line help, select the "HELP" menu and the "INDEX" menu item to view the help file. Version History ------- ------- v X.X.s (.s = shareware version) has the following changes from v X.X: - includes registration dialog box - does not explain file and edit functions - does not explain multimedia functions v 1.0 ----- - baseline - not released to public v 1.1 ----- - includes standard file save as warning of existing file - fixes premature removal of existing file under cancel of file open - fixes main screen flashing for change in channel playback - first released NOTE: "Windows" is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.