The Netscape software line includes Netscape Navigator products that combine advanced security features, intuitive graphical administration, high performance, and adherence to standards; Netscape Servers that offer greater performance, security, and reliability than other HTTP-based servers; Netscape Internet Applications, a new family of turnkey software applications that integrate high-volume transaction processing, real-time data management, easy-to-use interfaces, and secure communications for creating sophisticated online services and large-scale businesses; and Netscape Tools that allow developers to create live online applications that combine rich multimedia content with application logic and database connectivity.
Netscape's clients, servers, Internet Applications, and tools combine to form the Netscape Applications Platform, a processor- and operating system-independent foundation for developing and deploying live online applications, both throughout an enterprise and across the Internet. These live online applications incorporate text, images, multimedia content, application logic, and scripting capabilities into simple-to-use yet extremely powerful distributed programs. Integration of industry-standard SQL databases into the Netscape Application Platform enables access to legacy applications from virtually any computer, anywhere in the world.
If you are interested in purchasing any Netscape software product, please head over to the Netscape General Store and fill out our handy online form or call 415/528-2555.
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