This page contains (where possible) links to someone in the named country, often to an official list. For some countries such links are still missing; please volunteer for it. I also want to know better links if available.
Go Federation)
(Finnish Go Ass.)
(French Go Ass.)
(my local outdated backup copy is here)
Great Britain
(British Go Ass)
(Irish Go Ass.)
(Italian Go Ass.) holds the
European Go Congress 1996 (20th July to 3rd August 1966)
the Netherlands
(Dutch Go Ass.)
(Svensk Go-Tidning)
Switzerland (need a local maitainer/link)
(serbian part of) Yugoslavia
The European Go Cultural Center maintains, among other things, a list of known european go players, tournaments and clubs. It has a centralized approach, where I try just to maintain links and keep an eye on vienna and leave local things to local people.
A hint for all countries I have no or old information: go to the european go cultural center and search for clubs. You will then get a list of european clubs with contact persons. The clublist is sorted by country name. Why didn't I do that: I wanted playing times of those clubs and didn't want to call all contact persons.
If your country is not listed at all, email me. Please be ready to answer questions at least for your town. The best thing is if you just send me a link to a hmtl-document to include in the list. If you have no server, I could place it here too (like Italy does now)...
If you set up a similiar index for another continent or a large country (US, japan) I will include a link to that, but I'm not willing to collect info on each new club in the LA area for example. Check Ken Warkentyne's Link page and see what is there.
This page has been retrieved
times since 1995-Sep-19.