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The name's Bond.James Bond. |
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This site has been reviewed or featured in: the book Entertainment on the Web (Que/Macmillan Computer Publishing, 1995); NetGuide (January 1996), where it was given a 4 star rating; Chicago Sun Times' Cool web sites (Dec. 7, 1995); Entertainment Weekly (Sept. 22, 1995), where it was given an A+ rating; People Magazine (Oct. 16, 1995); Time [International ed.] (Nov. 13, 1995); and CyberSurfer magazine (October 1995), where it was given an Honorable Mention in their listing of The Web 100, "the WWW's most popular and notorious pages." |
All pages at this site, were created, written [unless otherwise noted] and are ©1996 by Kimberly Last (klast@mcs.com)
Established December 18, 1994. Updated January 13, 1996 |