Dining Out on the Web
This web site is now http://www.ird.net/diningout.html.
Please update your links, hotlists, and bookmarks.
This list was originally started by
John Troyer. He
fought valiantly to make it both accurate and comprehensive. May we
live up to his example. I think it's about the best such list I've
seen yet.
Though there are other commercial restaurant services on this site,
I will strive to preserve the impartial and objective nature of this
list. In general, we welcome anyone with interest and/or input about
food related information and services on the Web.
This is a list of restaurant guides. No recipes, no wine, no beer,
no brewpubs, no cafes. Focus is the key to success. If many more
single restaurant sites come on-line, I may eliminate those. As it is,
I only include ones that have at the very least a menu or something
besides their address.
If you know of something fitting the above description that we're
not listing, or if one of our links is broken or has moved,
please tell us.
Thanks, and remember: "Enjoy Life -- Eat Out More Often!"
--john and

Hey look! Somebody likes it!
Comprehensive Sites
- North American Restaurant Guide A good start!
- Internet Restaurant Guide (new database, but only 6 Thai
restaurants in San Francisco!?!)
- Reviews from across the USA can
be found on the Iowa State SPIRES Gopher.
- rec.travel archives wais search and ftp directory The Sleeping Giant has information, including restaurant reviews, for just about anywhere. (new web server)
- CitiLink
and City Net
both have a lot of restaurant and city
guides. The very short restaurant listings are not included here.
Destinations On-Line
and GENinc
Travel Network
are similar, but they are more tourist-oriented and have less
- World Guide to Vegetarianism The definitive resource, and destined to stay that way.
- Vegetarian Restaurants from the rec.food.veg Guide
- Chile-Heads Hot Restaurants from the
Chile-Heads Home Page
- Internet Restaurant Delivery
- the only online restaurant delivery network in the world!
- Kosher
Restaurant Database
- World Wide
Sushi Restaurant Reference
- Guide Relais & ChΓteaux 1995 (worldwide, but in French)
- Paul & Kay Henderson's Favourite Restaurants
- Sally's Place Scatttered Lists and reviews from all over tarnation...
US Sites
- Alabama
- Tuscaloosa (U Alabama)
- Huntsville
- The Restaurant Connection
- Papa John's Pizza Online Ordering!
- Alaska
- Anchorage
- Juneau
- Arizona
- Arizona Yellow Pages (listings)
- Flagstaff
- Sedona (listing)
- Tuscon (listing, by type)
- Tuscon Restaurant Guide A few ...
- Scottsdale Rockin' Horse (restaurant)
- Yuma (listing)
- Arkansas
- Little Rock (listing>
- California
- Anaheim
- Berkeley Restaurants in the Berkeley Area - a nicely done site from the Poskanzer clan
- Irvine (UC Irvine) (listing)
- Lompoc
- Los Angeles Los Angeles Restaurant Reviews For You!
- Monterey penninsula and a few more for
- Napa Valley
- Orange County
- Restaurants in Orange County The Proclaim Resource
- Orange County Restaurant Reviews
- Web Food? (interactive)
- Palo Alto
Chamber of Commerce restaurants by name, by type;
some menus. Also an
interactive restaurant map of downtown
Palo Alto Weekly (reviews)
Mary & Wendell Baker (reviews)
- The Country Fare
Restaurant, Closed!
Scott's Seafood Grill & Bar,
Pollo's Mexican Restaurant
- Sacramento Harlow's
- San Francisco / Bay Area
- Q San Francisco's guide - Good listings of gay and lesbian spots and san francisco in general!
- Waiters on Wheels
online ordering from hundreds of restaurants in the Bay Area!
- Bay Area Restaurant Guide
- Digital Restaurant Guide - amazing port from the Powerbook version (reviews)
- Guide
to the Good Life also covers the peninsula. An
adaption of a printed guide. (reviews)
- San Francisco recommendations
from Robin Lake from rec.travel archives (400K of snippets)
- Bay Area Restaurants
from Elliot S. Cohen via rec.travel archives (reviews)
- Jonathan Hue's
Marin/Oakland (reviews)
- 24 hour
food places in SF
- ICON Byte Bar & Grill,
and Twenty Tanks Brewing
in San Francisco,
Irifune in San Mateo,
- Santa Barbara
- San Carlos Salvatore's (restaurants)
- Santa Cruz
- Info Point Restaurant Guide Nice layout
- Santa Cruz (listing)
(Dinner! from SenseMedia) and
Santa Cruz Pizza Hut PizzaNet
(restaurant, online order)
- San Diego
- On-line
Dining Guide from
SD Source
(Daily Transcript) (listing)
- San Diego Area (SDSC) (listing)
- San Diego County (Infopost) (listing)
- North coastal San Diego (USD) (reviews)
- Coffeehouses
- San Jose
Dinner! from SenseMedia
- Solano County B&L Cattle Co.,
County Grill
- Lake Tahoe
- Tahoenet Dining Guide
- Destination: Lake Tahoe
- Ukiah
- Colorado
- Aspen, CO (Aspen On Line)
- Boulder
County Online Menu Guide (menus, reviews)
- Celia's Chinese Kitchen Boulder, CO
(restaurant, online order)
- Denver
- Ethnic Food in Denver (reviews)
- Cafe Berlin
- Brown Bag Bistro
Colorado Springs, CO
- The Dining Guide (The Capital Online)
- District Area Dining Directory (search engine)
- DC
Dining from the DC City Pages
- Dining and
Entertainment (listing) from
Washingtonian Online
- Scott's
Dining Out Home Page (also Tidewater, Northern VA) (reviews)
- Red Sage Restaurant (restaurant)
- Florida
- Fort Myers
- South Florida
restaurant listings,
Flanigan's Seafood
Bar & Grill
- Daytona Beach Diner's Express
- Key West
- Tampa Bay
- reviews
from the St. Petersburg Times
- The Incomparable Tampa Bay Library Consortium Gopher
- Fort Lauderdale
- Jacksonville
- Key West
- Orlando
- St. Augustine
- St. Petersburg
- Tampa
- Pensacola (restaurants) and
Cajun Cafe & Market
- Sanibel
- Georgia
- Atlanta
- by type listing from Hotlanta! (VRAINN Webzine)
The Atlanta Restaurant Review (GA Tech) (reviews)
- Good
Eats and more from Creative Loafing (Emory)
- Hawaii
- Dining Places On O'ahu
- Outrigger Hotels
- Idaho
- Boise (listing>
- Sun Valley Area Restaurants (listing>
- Iowa
- Amanas Colonies
- Des Moines (listing)
- Iowa City / Coralville
- Illinois
Carbondale (listing)
(Southern Illinois U) [down 2/12]
- Champaign-Urbana and
- restaurants from the U of Illinois phone book (listings)
- Chicago
- Chicago Restaurants
- Chicago / Evanston Restaurants that deliver
This is Chicago! (listing for the Oct94 Mosaic & the Web conference)
Hyde Park Eats and
Chicago Eats Ethnic (U Chicago)
- BiancaTroll's restaurant reviews
Rogers Park (Loyola) (menus)
- West Side
(Math/Stat/CompSci Dept UIC)
- Fuji-Ya
Harwood Heights (restaurant)
- Peoria
(Bradley U)
- Indiana
- Bloomington, IN Restaurant Guide (Indiana University)
- Lafayette
- Kansas
- Kansas City
- Wichita
- Kentucky
- Lexington
- Louisville
(IgLou) (reviews)
- Louisiana
- Baton Rouge Restaurants in the Greater Baton Rouge Area
- New Orleans
- The Big EasyNew Orleans Restaurant Guide
- New Orleans Virtual Dining Guide and
- Restaurant FAQ from The Gumbo Pages
- Citylink page
- St. Tammany Parish (listings)
- Massachusetts
Framingham (Middlesex News) (reviews)
- Boston / Cambridge
Boston Restaurant List
(Outside Boston lists,
area lists) (reviews) Elliot S. Cohen's masterlist
Menus for Boston / Cambridge Area Restaurants Nice! HTML 3.0 Tables! We likes them tables!
- Local cuisine
(BU) (scanned menus)
Dining Out section of the Boston University MetroGuide Gopher
online restaurants from TerraNet (restaurants, menus)
- Cambridge (MIT AI Lab) (listing)
- University of Massachusetts Restaurant reviews by the experts! The customers !
- Worcester
(cheap lunch places near Clark U) Gosh This is dark blue!
- Michigan
- Ann Arbor
Food by Phone
- Minnesota
- August Moon
Godlen Valley (Minneapolis), MN (restaurant)
- St. Peter
- Maine
- Bethel
(Sunday River)
- Kennebunkport Windows on the Water
- Maryland
- Baltimore
- Baltimore
(Sue's Food Picks) (very nicely done reviews)
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County (menus)
- Missouri
- Branson (listing)
- Columbia (listing)
- Mississippi
- Biloxi
- Starkville map of restaurants (GIF)
- Montana
- Billings
- Nebraska
- Lincoln food & lodging"
- New Hampshire
- Martha's Exchange Restaurant
and Brewing Company (Nashua, NH)
- Kahala Restaurant (Nashua, NH)
- New Jersey
New Jersey smoke-free restaurant list
- Hoboken
Where to Eat in Hoboken, (listing) from
Hoboken X (Stevens Institute of Technology)
- Newark (Rutgers) short restaurant list,
pizza list
- Princeton
- Dinner Roulette! This has gotta be the coolest thing I've seen yet A list from Princeton U visitors center
- New Mexico
- Albequerque
- Nevada
- Lake Incline Village (reviews)
- Las Vegas The Restaurant Guide To Fine Dining in Las Vegas - not much here yet
- New York
- Albany,
NY Metroland Dining Line (area code 518) (listing)
- Buffalo
- Genesee Valley
Ithaca Take Out Menus (Cornell),
Tompkins County Dining Guide (listing)
from Thomas Jefferson U
- New York
- Restaurant & Bar Guide
(New York Web)
- Food &
(Paperless Guide to New York)
- Ethnic Restaurant Scene
- Outside Dining In New York
- Columbia/NYC
Dining FAQ
- Natural Food/Delis listing from
Free Spirit Magazine
- La Bouillabaisse (restaurant)
- Pearl River Kiko House Very Slick
- Troy
- Japanese restaurants
in Westchester county
- North Carolina
- Kitty Hawk Da Kine Hawaiian Kitchen
- Triangle Area, NC
- Raleigh,
NC (News & Observer newspaper)
- Traveller's Pit Stop (with appropriate noises)
- Triangle
Vegetarian Society reviews
- Ohio
- Bowling Green pizza places
- Dayton Dining
- Cleveland.Net Restaurants
- ColumbusPages Dining
- Oregon
- Ashland, jacksonville, Talent, Prospect, Howard Prairie Mind.net's pages
- Gold Beach (listing)
- Lincoln City (listing)
- Portland
- City Net
- Portland Restaurants
- Portland Area Restaurants (Ron Lunde) (listing)
- Siracos
- Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia
- Practical
Penn (UPenn)
- Thomas Jefferson U (listing)
- cafe
- Pittsburgh
- Restaurant Menus close to CMU (Bennet Yee @ cmu)
- restaurant reviews & menus (Michael Witbrock @ cmu)
- phone numbers, menus pizza and not pizza
(Esther Filderman @ cmu)
- articles from pgh.food (Howard Read @ cmu)
- Eating Indian in Pittsburgh
- Summary by PittsburghNet (phone number, location and type; no review)
- Pittsburgh Internet Business Pages
- a few recommendations from The Internet Group
- Smoketown Good N' Plenty Restaurant
- Rhode Island
- Providence
- South Carolina
- Charleston (Palmetto Systems) and
- Columbia listing (U South Carolina)
- Myrtle Beach and more Dining with Claude & Myrtle
- Tennessee
- Knoxville, TN reviews (U Tenn)
- Texas
- Austin
- Austin Restaurants
(Internet Yellow Pages)
- Places to eat in Austin (Quadralay)
- An Engineer's Guide to Austin Restaurants
- Capital Area Central Texas Unix Society Gopher
- TechNet Austin Dining Guide
(formerly Albert's Austin Restaurant List)
- Bryan Texas A&M Restaurant Guide
- Dallas
- Dallas Entertainment Guide
- Dallas/Fort Worth Restaurant Register
- El Paso
- Houston
- Houston Dining Guide (Technet)
- Restaurant Database (Rice)
- listings from the Rice gopher
- Gill's Eats
- Guide to Houston (Carol Chapman, Brown College @ Rice)
- Richardson Akbar Indian Restaurant
- Utah
- Salt Lake City
- Washington
- Seattle
- EmeraldNet guide to Seattle (comprehensive!)
- by location & type (UW CS&E)
- U/Indulge
- UW Grad Students' Seattle Restaurant Guide
- Seatle Restaurant Guide
(Gallagher Law Library)
- Seattle
Vegetarian Guide
- Seattle Ruffguide
- restaurant
menus (SEANET)
- Mothercity coffee guide
- Internet CafΘ
- Burke's Cafe,
(Cajun and Creole)
Capons Rotisserie Chicken
(online ordering),
Elliot's Oyster House,
Hiram's At The Locks,
Il Bistro,
McCormick's & Schmick's,
Metropolitan Grill,
Union Square Grill,
University Sportsbar & Grill,
My Brother's Pizza
- Culinary Couriers
- Waiters on Wheels (online ordering)
- Sequim (listing)
- Spokane Waiters on Wheels (online ordering)
- Wenatchee
- Wisconsin
Millwaukee, WI excerpts from rec.food.restaurants and a
frozen custard
flavor forecast for various custard places.
- Stevens Point,
WI (listings)
- Wyoming
- Cody
- Riverton
- Virginia
- Arlington
- Blacksburg
- listings
(Blacksburg Electronic Village gopher)
Backstreets Restaurant,
Bogen's and
London Underground Pub (restaurants)
- Herndon (listing, reviews)
- Virginia shore Virginia PiloT restaurant reviews
- Wakefield Virginia Diner (restaurant)
International Sites
- Austria
- Japanese restaurants in Vienna, Austria
- Austrian Restaurant Guide (UChicago)
- Australia
- South Australia several restaurants via X.500 gateway
- Adelaide, South Australia
- Canberra, Australia (listing)
- (from i on Canberra)
- Ipswich,
Queensland, Australia
- Amidale, Australia (University of New England)
- Belgium
- Brussels, Belgium Hotel Metropole - the french version has a real charm to it that is lost in the translation
- Canada
- Edmonton, Alberta
- Hallifax, Nova Scotia (Dalhousie U)
- Eek-a-Geek Cafe (Toronto)
- North Bay, Ontario (Candadore College) [3/17 down]
- Ottawa, Ontario (listing)
- St. Catherine's,
Ontario The best of . . .
- Toronto Toronto's WWW Restaurant Listings
- Vancouver, BC
- Virtual Dining Guide
- Taxi
Vancouver Village
- Andy's Guide to
Good Food on the Lower Mainland
- Breathers'
Dining Guide (smoke-free)
- listing (Fleethouse)
- Waterloo (U Waterloo)
- Carribean Islands
- Carribean Restaurant Reviews
- Denmark
- Copenhagen, Denmark The Bar & Restaurant Guide - Dark blue and very difficult to read!
- France
- La FertΘ-Bernard, France
- Paris, France
- PARIS ACCUEIL RESTO a nice list - some reviews too
- Restaurants & H⌠tels de Paris
- Germany
- Munich, Germany
- Italy
- Bologna, Italy
- Japan
- Hiroshima, Japan
- Tokyo, Japan
(Robb's Tokyo Food and Leisure Page);
Japanese Dining
(Nippon Telegraph & Telephone);
Kaihin Makuhari
map (Ocean Research Institute, U Tokyo)
- Sapporo, Japan
- Mexico
- Ciudad Juarez,
- Netherlands
- Roadside Restaurants (Netherlands)
- Delft, Netherlands
- Utrecht/Amsterdam, Netherlands listing
- Phillipines
- Manila, Phillipines
- Singapore
- Singapore
- Switzerland
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Sweden
- Stockholm, Sweden and
Intressant Restaurant
(ethernet connectors at the tables!)
- United Kingdom
- the Trencherman's West Country 35 good restaurants in South West England
- Mother of All BBSBest Places to Eat (including Kabob Vans (UK) and Burger Joints)
- Leicester, UK
- London, UK; City University and
University College London
Taste of India restaurant, Nottingham, UK
- Restaurant Le Cordon Bleu at the
WWW exhibition organization
- Slovenia
- Maribor, Slovenia
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For those who have found this link and are not playing Riddler, come join us!
john <troyer@cgl.ucsf.edu>
dan whaley