Sunday, January 14
It's Sunday! For today's strip in the best color, choose the Today button
that better matches the color of the ? box between them:
Click to start with an earlier day of the week:
Welcome to the NOO Greak KOLLUM!
tNGK is a four-panel comic strip updated daily for your viewing pleasure..
- (11-JA)
I'm pleased to announce, to my readers in Europe especially,
that tNGK is now mirrored in Europe on Video On Line!
Dragging tNGK strips and features from Italia may take less time for you
than it does from California; visit tNGK on VOL and see.
I invite you to utilize this resource and I thank VOL for having me on board!
- (7-JA) I have a couple ideas for the next exhibit in the NOO Greak GALLERY,
but I was wondering if you had any suggestions?
Is there a situation or entity you'd like to see the Kollumañeros meet?
Let me know! If I can picture it, I might make it a picture!
- (7-JA) If you're interested in super-hero comic books, visit
the Watchmen exhibit in the NOO Greak GALLERY.
You'll find an embellished bibliography of comic-book projects there
with my humble thoughts and recommendations..
- (1-JA) For those of you mourning the tawny tyke and the tow-headed tiger
who have gone missing from the comics pages, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of them.
I think we should be looking forward to savory treats from Mr Watterson in the years ahead..
Why does Cardamon Rose
the things
Cardamon Rose says?
Sneaky snowballs, in the latest of four full-color tNGK Sundays:
Just click the face of the Kollumañero on whom you'd like a little info..
tNGK info and some links,
both reciprocal and recommended:
Check out Watchmen, Pet Shop Boys, Madman, and Björk in:
There's a new strip every day. Come back tomorrow!
If you enjoy the NOO Greak KOLLUM, please let me know, at:
The NOO Greak KOLLUM and all prominent characters are TM and ©1996 Jonathan Thayer.