Welcome to the Net's Best Magic: The Gathering home page.
This page is a resource for players of Wizards of the Coast's Magic: the
Gathering collectible trading card game.
- This server also contains info for
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.
For information on collectible trading card games in general, feel free
to drop by Sprig's CCG Warehouse.
- What is
Magic? For newcomers to the game of Magic, there is an
overview available.
- What's
New? If you visit this page frequently, you might find a list
of new material valuable.
- Glossary:
Finally, there is a glossary of Magic-related terms which can
be used to learn about Magic, look up rules, and generally
search this Web site.
Official Rules Information
The latest FAQ's, as well as the Revised Edition rules, and various errata and
clarifications. This is the place to look for answers to your rules questions.
Cardlists and other information about the cards and card sets
themselves, as well as access to the card info database (another good place to
look for answers to questions concerning specific cards).
A few different ways to play Magic, including some solitare
Fiction, strategy, and history from the greatest Library in Dominia!
The most complete index of Magic related internet sites available!
Cards, card backs, the "Magic: the Gathering" logo,
, &
copyright 1993 by Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
Illustrations are copyright 1993 and 1994 by the artist who created them, or
WotC in certain cases. They are displayed here for your enjoyment, but please
respect the artists work and don't take or distribute copies of them.
The design & layout of these pages and their HTML source (this refers to all
M:tG pages on www.itis.com) are copyright 1994-1995 by Darrell Budic unless
otherwise attributed.
Tap to go back.
Tap for feedback, comments, and author information.