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Viewing Script Details

The left window of the Web Application Stress Tool is known as the Script view, which displays all of the scripts stored in the current Web Application Stress Tool database. If this is a new database, the only items you see in the Script view are Defaults and Sample Script.

There are seven script items in the Sample Script, each of which utilizes a special feature of the Web Application Stress Tool. For example, notice that one of the script items is a POST. Using your mouse, highlight the row header to the left of the POST script item, and then double-click. This opens the Script Item Details view. From this view, you can edit the querystring name-value pairs, change POST data, modify the header, and enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Take a look at the Querystring tab view. Notice that the names User and Password are being passed in the querystring. Also notice that %Username% and %Password% are the values being passed. These are not literal values; they are special variables that tell the Web Application Stress Tool to pass the next available user and next available password from the list. The Web Application Stress Tool automatically cycles through the user names and passwords, passing the next set with each POST.

Close the Script Item Details view by clicking the OK button.