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Where Syntax
where [/r dir] [/q] [/t] [/e] [/Q] pattern ...
where [/q] [/t] [/e] [/Q] $envvar: pattern ...
- /rdir
- indicates a recursive search, starting with directory dir.
- /q
- quiet, use exit code.
- /t
- tells Where.exe to display the size and time of the file.
- /e
- tells Where.exe to display the executable type of any executable files found.
- /Q
- places double quotes around the output.
- pattern
- specifies the name of a directory, file or set of files to be found. Wildcard characters (? or *) may be used in place of characters.
- $envvar
- is the name of a valid environmental variable on the local computer (for example, $windir).