Tsver.exe: Terminal Services Version LimiterNEW

Server-only: This tool is included in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit only.

Version Limiter is a GUI-based tool that allows you to set whether the Terminal Services Client supports version checking. This allows you to limit access

Terminal Services Version Monitor will only run Microsoft® Windows® 2000 with Terminal Services enabled.

Terminal Services Version Monitor (TsVer) is an administrative tool for enforcing policies with respect to WinStation client build numbers. This tool consists of two components, a wizard for editing policies, enabling, and disabling version checking, as well as a dynamic link library for enforcing policies. TsVer provides a way for you to exercise control over which WinStation clients can connect to your servers.

Version Limiter features include: TsVer.dll must be copied to the System32 directory.

Files Required