Server-only: This tool is included in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit only.
This suite of tools assists organizations with Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Terminal Services capacity planning. They allow organizations to easily place and manage simulated loads on a server. This in turn can allow an organization to determine whether its environment is able to handle the load that the organization expects to place on it.
The tools includes a server-client load simulator for Windows 2000 Terminal Services, RoboServer (Robosrv.exe) and RoboClient (Robocli.exe), and two related test tools, SmClient (Smclient.exe) and QueryIdle (Qidle.exe). Used together, these tools make capacity planning easier and more automated.
Terminal Server Capacity Planning Tools Overview (Tscpt.doc) and Terminal Server Simulated Client (Smclient.doc) provide detailed descriptions of these tools and how to use them.
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