Tru Access Manager Limited Edition NEW

Server-only: This tool is included in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit only.

Tru Access Manager Lite is a comprehensive network accounting application developed by Telco Research that lets you track and report use of your network by users and/or workgroups. Combined with Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (IAS), TAM Lite reports when users connect to your network, how long they stay connected, and how much bandwidth they use while connected. Combined with Microsoft® Proxy Server, TAM Lite tracks what services are being used, when they are being used, and what Internet locations are being visited.

TAM Lite combines data collection, session management, performance management, exception reporting to:

Files Required

The files required for Tru Access Manager Limited Edition are located on the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.

To use this tool, you must install it. Find the installation file (tamlitev3019.exe) in the \apps\truaccess\ directory of the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit CD.