
TakeOwn is a command-line tool that cleans up multiple boot drives without formatting the drive. Using this tool, you can delete an installation of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 from a local computer.

If you install Windows 2000 onto a computer with another installation of Windows 2000 already on it, and then attempt to delete it, you'll find that you can't delete the entire directory. One of the hidden directories, named \Installer, contains some .msi and .ico files that are locked, and unless you use TakeOwn, there's nothing you can do to delete any of them short of formatting the drive.

This is because Windows 2000 applies security attributes to the file such that the only one that can access those files are the System account of the previous installation. Even an administrator of this computer cannot reset these permissions.

After deleting the lock with TakeOwn, you might have to use the GUI, Cacls, or Xcacls tools to give you full permissions to the files or directories before you can delete the files or directories in question.

File Required