Use this GUI-based tool to manage Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0 or Microsoft® Windows NT® version 3.51 domains and computers. To manage Windows 2000 domains and computers, use Active Directory™ directory service and the other Windows 2000 administrative tools instead.
With Server Manager you can:
Most of the capabilities provided by Server Manager are also offered by the Services and Server tools in Control Panel in Windows NT 4.0. However, Server Manager can manage both local and remote computers, while these Windows NT 4.0 Control Panel tools manage only the local computer.
You can also use Administrative Tools in Control Panel in Windows 2000 to administer both local and remote computers. To administer Windows 2000 domains and computers, always use the Windows 2000 administrative tools.
To administer a domain and its servers using Server Manager, you must be logged on to a user account that is a member of the Administrators, Domain Admins, or Server Operators group for that domain. Members of the Account Operators group can also use Server Manager, but only for the purpose of adding computers to the domain.
To use Server Manager to administer a workstation computer or server running Windows NT that is not a domain controller, you must be logged on to a user account that is a member of the Administrators or Power Users group for that computer.
A few Server Manager functions are allowed for only Administrators or Domain Admins. When Server Operators, Account Operators, or Power Users attempt to perform these functions, a message appears indicating that access is denied.
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