Soon.exe: Near-Future Command Scheduler Topics | Previous | Next
One way to troubleshoot a batch job that is scheduled to run using the AT command is to type the following at the command prompt:
soon /interactive "cmd.exe"
This command opens the command prompt within the next five seconds and allows you to manually run the batch job.
If a command prompt does not open, then open Control Panel Services and check to see if the Schedule service is started. Click the Startup button and make certain that the System account is selected; only the system account can interact with the desktop. Network connections made under the System account use a null session for credentials, so it may be necessary to supply a user name and password for commands such as NET USE.
Before running your batch job, type the command set in order to understand the environment that the command scheduler is running under; all environmental variables including the user name will be listed.
The above command syntax allows you to troubleshoot situations where a batch job runs successfully when it is executed from the command line, but does not work when you execute it using the AT command.
In addition to troubleshooting the batch job, do the following: