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Conditional Statements

The scope declaration is followed immediately by any number of conditional statements. Each conditional has the following format:

<Condition> <Log trigger> [<Command-line trigger> <Command-line timeout> <Command line>]



is one of the following:

Note that spaces are not allowed between the operator and the integer in the three previous conditionals.

<Log trigger>

is one of the following values:

0   Don't log anything when this conditional is met.

1   Log the result only when this conditional was not met during the last poll ("edge triggered").

2   Log the result each time this conditional is met ("level triggered").

<Command-line trigger>

is one of the following values:

0   Execute this command line every time this conditional is met.

1   Execute this command line only if this conditional was not met during the last poll ("edge triggered").

<Command-line timeout>

specifies, in milliseconds, how long to wait for the command line to finish executing. For any timeout greater than 0, if the command has not completed when the timeout expires the command will be terminated.

<Command line>

is the command line to execute when this conditional is met.

Conditionals are processed in the order in which they occur in the node definition. Only the first met conditional is actually processed.