- Install the service's executable file as a service with Service Installer, a Resource Kit tool. For example, to install Rkill.exe as the Remote Kill service, use the command-line syntax:
instsrv Remote Kill "ResourceKitInstallationPath\rkill.exe"
- After installation, configure and start the service. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and click Computer Management. In the Computer Management snap-in console tree, click the Services and Applications node, then click the Services node.

The Computer Management snap-in can be started from the command-line by typing compmgmt.msc.
- Select the service name you added in step 1.
- Right-mouse click and select Properties.
- In the General tab, set the Startup Type.
- In the Log On tab, select the account the service will use when running. Choose either the Local System account or enter another valid account and password. The type of log on required is determined by the application.

If you need access to the screen and keyboard, you must choose Local System account and check the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" box. Note that a Local System account doesn't have network access. Otherwise, enter any valid account name and specify the correct logon password.
- Start the service. In the Services node, select the service name. Right-click and select Start.