Registry Backup (RegBack) is a tool for backing up the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 registry to files without use of a tape drive. RegBack allows you to back up registry hives while the system is running and has the hive files open.
In Windows 2000, you can use Ntbackup.exe to back up the Active Directory™ directory service.
It will back up your registry so that, in case of problems with configuration, you can restore it and try again. In general, as with any critical data, it is a good idea to back up your registry often, especially before you install and test applications whose stability might be unknown.
To use RegBack, you must be logged on as a member of a group that has "Backup files and folders" privileges. RegBack uses the Win32 ReplaceKey function.
Note RegBack won't write over registry files it has previously written. See "RegBack Notes" for more information.
To restore a backup made with RegBack, use the Regrest.exe: Registry Restoration tool.
After any change in the configuration of the operating system, including adding new software, you should use the Repair Disk program, Rdisk.exe, to update files in the <systemroot>\Repair folder, and create a new Emergency Repair Disk.
By default, Rdisk does not back up all of the registry. Rdisk is intended as a last resort for making a system startable, but not necessarily as it was. If you want Rdisk to back up the entire registry, including the DEFAULT, SAM and SECURITY files, you must use the /s switch, running rdisk /s.
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