Reducer Main Topic

Reducer Syntax

One Stepreducer -out filename | [-h | -help | -?]


-out filename
is the output file name. Default is Workload.txt. Contains a complete breakdown of the various events during a particular tracing period. It contains the following information:
Transaction Statistics (for example: DsDirSearch)
  • Response time
  • Number of transactions per second (transaction rate)
  • Disk reads/writes per transaction
  • Network traffic (data sent/received) per transaction
  • CPU utilization (includes kernel and user space)
Image Statistics (for example: Lsass.exe)
  • Transactions involved with each process
  • Threads associated with each process
  • CPU utilization (both kernel and user) per process
  • Disk reads/writes per process Network traffic (data sent/received) per process
Disk Statistics
  • Total disk reads/writes
  • Disk reads/writes per process



Other disk information can obtained from the transaction/image statistics described above.

-h, -help, -?
either of these displays command-line help.