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Remote Console Installation

Server Setup

Remote Console includes a command-line setup program, Rsetup.exe. This program can be used by a domain administrator to remotely install Remote Console on a large number of computers.

To run Rsetup, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the target computer.

One Steprsetup [\\computername]

installs Remote Console on computername or the local computer, if no target is specified.


If Remote Console is already installed on the target computer then it is automatically updated

The Remote Console Server service is started automatically at startup.

Client Setup

No special installation beyond the Resource Kit setup is required to run the client. If you have not installed the Resource Kit, copy Rclient.exe to a directory in your path on the client.

The Remote Console client is compatible with any version of Windows NT or Windows 2000, and runs only on these platforms.

To run the Remote Console client, see:

Remote Console Client Syntax