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Qgrep Syntax

One Stepqgrep [-?] [B] [E] [L] [O] [X] [l] [n] [z] [v] [x] [y] [-e string] [-f file] [-i file] [strings] [files]


-?, /?
displays command-line syntax.
matches pattern at beginning of line.
matches pattern at end of line.
treats search strings literally.
prints seek offset before each matching line.
treats search strings as regular expressions.
prints only the file name if the file contains a match.
prints line numbers before each matching line.
prints matching lines in MSC error message format.
prints only lines that do not contain a match.
prints lines that match exactly.
treats upper- and lower-case as equivalent.
-e string
treats the next argument as a literal search string.
-f file
reads search strings from file.
-i file
reads file list from file.
the search string(s). White space separates search strings unless the argument is prefixed with -e. For example,
qgrep "all out" x.y
means find either "all" or "out" in x.y, while
qgrep -e "all out" x.y
means find "all out".
The file(s) to search, which can include wildcard characters (* and ?).