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Qgrep Syntax
qgrep [-?] [B] [E] [L] [O] [X] [l] [n] [z] [v] [x] [y] [-e string] [-f file] [-i file] [strings] [files]
- -?, /?
- displays command-line syntax.
- -B
- matches pattern at beginning of line.
- -E
- matches pattern at end of line.
- -L
- treats search strings literally.
- -O
- prints seek offset before each matching line.
- -X
- treats search strings as regular expressions.
- -l
- prints only the file name if the file contains a match.
- -n
- prints line numbers before each matching line.
- -z
- prints matching lines in MSC error message format.
- -v
- prints only lines that do not contain a match.
- -x
- prints lines that match exactly.
- -y
- treats upper- and lower-case as equivalent.
- -e string
- treats the next argument as a literal search string.
- -f file
- reads search strings from file.
- -i file
- reads file list from file.
- strings
- the search string(s). White space separates search strings unless the argument is prefixed with -e. For example,
qgrep "all out" x.y
means find either "all" or "out" in x.y, while
qgrep -e "all out" x.y
means find "all out".
- files
- The file(s) to search, which can include wildcard characters (* and ?).