PuList Main Topic

PuList Syntax and Output

PuList Syntax

One Steppulist [\\Server] [\\Server] ...


without arguments, displays the names and IDs all the processes running on the local computer, and attempts to display the user name associated with each process.
specifies a remote computer or computers to query. PuList displays the computer name followed by the names and IDs of processes running on it.
More than one computer may be specified in the same command line. In this case, PuList displays the lists for each computer sequentially.

PuList Output


Process           PID  User
Idle              0    
System            8    
smss.exe          156  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
csrss.exe         176  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
winlogon.exe      172  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
services.exe      228  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
lsass.exe         240  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
svchost.exe       428  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
spoolsv.exe       452  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
msdtc.exe         480  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
tcpsvcs.exe       604  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
svchost.exe       620  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
llssrv.exe        644  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
nspmon.exe        712  USER1-COMPUTER1\NetShowServices
nscm.exe          724  USER1-COMPUTER1\NetShowServices
regsvc.exe        772  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
RsFsa.exe         812  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
MSTask.exe        896  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
snmp.exe          940  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
suss.exe          996  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
termsrv.exe       1024 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Dfssvc.exe        1096 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
dns.exe           1112 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
inetinfo.exe      1128 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
mqsvc.exe         1168 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
nspm.exe          1248 USER1-COMPUTER1\NetShowServices
nsum.exe          1384 USER1-COMPUTER1\NetShowServices
RsSub.exe         1512 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
RsEng.exe         1624 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
svchost.exe       1844 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Explorer.exe      212  USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
hh.exe            840  USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
msiexec.exe       1888 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
WinMgmt.exe       1404 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
hh.exe            2180 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
mdm.exe           1332 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
IEXPLORE.EXE      1852 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
cmd.exe           2088 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
mmc.exe           1180 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
rpingc.exe        2192 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator
pulist.exe        1936 USER1-COMPUTER1\Administrator