Utility | MS-DOS Equivalent | Description |
cat | TYPE | "conCATenator": Command line POSIX utility to display the contents of a file. |
cc | none | "C Compiler" - CL front-end: Command line POSIX utility for compiling a C program.
CC Command Information |
chmod | ATTRIB | "CHange MODe": Command line POSIX utility to change what access different groups of users have to a file. |
chown | none | "CHange OWNer": Command line POSIX utility to change ownership of a file. |
cp | COPY | "CoPy": Command line POSIX utility to duplicate a file or directory. |
find | none | file finder: Command line POSIX utility that searches a folder tree for files matching given criteria. |
grep | none | "Global Regular Expression Print" - FIND sub: Command line POSIX utility to search for patterns using regular expressions within files. |
ln | none | "LiNker": Command line POSIX utility that provides a way to access a file using different names. |
ls | DIR | "LiSt": Command line POSIX utility to list the contents of a directory. |
mkdir | MD | "MaKe DIRectory": Command line POSIX utility to create a new directory. |
mv | REN | "MoVe": Command line POSIX utility to move a file or directory to a new location. (Does not leave an original.) |
rm | DEL | "ReMove": Command line POSIX utility to delete a file. |
rmdir | RD | "ReMove DIRectory": Command line POSIX utility to delete a directory. |
sh | COMMAND | "SHell": Command line POSIX utility that includes a large subset of Korn shell functionality.![]() Note Does not support variable arrays. sh Command Information |
touch | none | Change dates: Command line POSIX utility that changes the modification date of files. |
vi | EDIT | vi ("VIsual") clone: Command line POSIX utility for editing text files.
VI Command Information |
wc | none | "Word Count": Command line POSIX utility that returns the number of bytes, words, and lines in files. |