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NTRights Syntax
ntrights {-r Right | +r Right} -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry] [-?]
- -r Right
- revokes Right from specified user or group. For a full list, see Windows 2000 Rights.
- +r Right
- grants Right to specified user or group. For a full list, see Windows 2000 Rights.
- -u UserOrGroup
- specifies the user or group for whom rights are to be granted or revoked.
- -m \\Computer
- specifies the computer (machine) on which to perform the operation. The default is the local computer.
- -e Entry
- adds a text string Entry to the computer's event log.
- -?
- displays a syntax screen at the command prompt.

- To be able to set a right for a user or group, you must have Administrator privileges.
- Names of Windows 2000 rights are case-sensitive. You must type the string of the right exactly as it appears: for example, SeSystemtimePrivilege and not sesystemtimeprivilege.