W2000msgs.chm: Windows 2000 Error and Event Messages Help Topics | Previous
Messages Help Notes
When reviewing the help file message information, sometimes the only suggested user action is to obtain help from Microsoft product support or another technical support group. In that case, we suggest you verify that your hardware is on the
Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List for your specific product or application. If it is not certified, please replace it with a certified component and retest.
Product Support Suggestions
If the error still occurs, collect the following information and have it available when you contact your product support provider for help:
- The type of hardware that you are using, including networking hardware, if applicable. Include BIOS revision number and any applied flash BIOS/firmware versions.
- A list of all software (name and version) installed on the system, including service packs and upgrades.
- The exact text and content of the message that appears on the screen. With messages that stop the computer completely, also note the background and text colors (white letters on a black screen or white letters on a blue screen, for example).
- A description of actions you took immediately before the error occurred and what you were doing when the error occurred. If the error can be manually reproduced, that list of steps is critical.
- A description of what happened after the error.
- Did the system ever work correctly? If so, what has changed since the system last worked properly? (Hardware changes, configuration settings, applications installed, and other changes.)
- Have your current and/or latest Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) as well as your initial ERD, if available. Also, have your last backup media handy in the event a recovery from system failure is unsuccessful.