This Access database file lists messages and related information from the Windows Event Log, an administrative tool that is part of Microsoft® Windows® 2000. This database contains the messages from the System, Security, and Application logs along with their corresponding Event ID, Source, and Type.
You must have Microsoft® Access installed on your computer to view this database. You might get a notice the first time the file is opened stating it is a read-only file. If file attributes need to be changed to allow writes, this can be done using Windows Explorer.
The Windows 2000 Events database is not intended as an exclusive reference. If, for example, you encounter a network error message in the command prompt window, you can also find help for the network problem by typing net helpmsg and the message identification number.
File Required
For More Information
W2000msgs.chm: Windows 2000 Error and Event Messages Help, an HTML Help file listing most of the error and system-information messages generated by Windows 2000, is also provided in the Windows 2000 Resource Kit.