Ntdetect.com (Installd.cmd): Startup Hardware Detector

Installd.cmd installs the debug (or checked) version of Ntdetect.com, Startup Hardware Detector, which is part of Microsoft® Windows® 2000.

On x86-based computers, NTDetect detects installed hardware components at startup time and displays the hardware information structures passed to the kernel. If the standard version of Ntdetect.com fails to detect all the hardware you think it should find, you can use the debug version, which provides more diagnostic information, to help isolate the problem. A mouse or a disk controller is the component that typically causes problems.

NTDetect displays information about the computer's system components, bus and adapter components, disk geometry, read-only memory (ROM) blocks, keyboard and communications (COM) port and parallel port components, mouse component, and floppy disk drive component. When detection is complete, you are prompted to press any key to display hardware information in the registry.

Installing NTDetect is a separate task you perform after you install the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit.




Under no circumstances should you delete Ntdetect.com, which is a required program for a computer running Windows 2000. The debug version installed by Installd.cmd is a special version that displays diagnostic information. If you have removed the standard version of Ntdetect.com and your system does not start correctly, use the Emergency Repair Disk to restore the original version. You can also use Installd.cmd to remove the special version of NTDetect.

NTDetect Topics

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