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NetSvc Syntax
netsvc command servicename \\computername {/? | /help}
- command
- is one of the following. No servicename is required when you use the /list switch. All commands are case-insensitive.
- /list
- lists installed services. Omit servicename with this command.
- /query
- queries the status of a service.
- /start
- starts the specified service.
- /stop
- stops the specified service.
- /pause
- pauses the specified service.
- /continue
- restarts a paused service.
- servicename
- is the name of the service you want to control. You can enter either the service name, as defined in the registry, or the display name, as shown when you double-click the Services icon in Control Panel. If the service name has embedded spaces, place quotes around it. You can get a list of installed services by running netsvc /list computername
- \\computername
- is the name of the computer whose services you want to control. You must specify a computer.
- /? or /help
- displays this syntax at the command prompt. You can also display the syntax screen by typing netsvc without arguments.

Arguments can be specified in any order.
netsvc /list \\joes486
netsvc /query \\anniep "Network DDE"
netsvc server \\joes486 /query
netsvc alerter \\joes486 /pause
netsvc "Clipbook Server" \\popcorn /stop