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LogEvent Syntax

One Steplogevent [-m \\\ComputerName] [-s Severity] [-c CategoryNumber] [-r Source] [-e EventID] [-t TimeOut] "Event Text"


-s Severity
Severity is one of the following: The default is "Information".
-m \\ComputerName
Name of the computer on which the event should be logged.
-c CategoryNumber
Category number. The default is 0.
-r Source
Source is a string-which can be quoted-for the event's source. default is "User Event".
-e EventID
EventID is an integer for the event's Event ID (0-65535). Default is 1.
-t TimeOut
TimeOut is the number of seconds the system waits before exit. default is 60000.
"Event Text"
Names that include space characters must be enclosed in double quotes.


logevent -m \\server -s E -c 3 -r "User Event" -e 42 "My message."

The following table shows how LogEvent switches map to Event Viewer.

Event Viewer Application Log Event Properties
Type -s Severity
Source -r Source
Category -c CategoryNumber
Event ID -e EventID
Computer -m \\ComputerName
Description "Event Text"