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List Keyboard Command Reference

Keyboard Command Description
Up, Down, Left, Right Move one line or character in this direction
PgUp Up one page
PgDn Down one page
Home Top of listing
End End of listing
W Toggle word wrap
CTRL + L Refresh display
Q, ESC Quit
/ Search for string
\ Search for string, any case
F4 Toggle multifile search
n, F3 Next occurrence of string - "n" must be lowercase
N Previous occurences of string - "N" must be uppercase
C Clear highlighted line
J Jump to highlighted line
M Mark highlighted
CTRL + Up Pull copy buffer up
CTRL + Down Pull copy buffer down
CTRL + Home Slide copy buffer up
CTRL + End Slide copy buffer down
G Go to line number
CTRL + PgUp Previous file
CTRL + PgDn Next file
F New file
H Switch to Hexadecimal edit and display mode (ESC to exit)

The Hexadecimal mode of List supports additional features such as the ability to edit, load (import), and save (export) files. The chart below describes these features.

Keyboard Command Description
F1 Toggle
F2 Go to
F3 Search
F4 Export
F5 Import
F10 Undo