This example establishes an AH tunnel between the two specified IP addresses. Note that the phase 1 security method is set with PFS. It also uses -confirm, abbreviated to -c.
ipsecpol -f -t -n ah[sha] -apreshare:tooltime -1s des40-md5-3 -1p -c
ipsecpol -f -t -n ah[sha] -apreshare:tooltime -1s des40-md5-3 -1p -c
This example sets a mirrored filter of me to any using AH md5. It uses Kerberos for the Oakley authority on the local computer.
ipsecpol -f 0+* -n ah[md5]
This example establishes a mirrored filter between the two computers named randyram and randyram0, using an AND proposal and a preshared key. It sets policy on \\randyram0.
ipsecpol \\randyram0 -f randyram+randyram0 -n esp[des,sha]+ah[md5] -apreshare:tooltime -c
This example sets up a policy in the Directory Service for the domain that the computer running this command is in. It sets up a Directory Service-based policy for clients to two secured servers. Both ESP and AH are sent as security offers and the computers negotiate which one they will use. Note the use of abbreviation in the authentication methods (KERBEROS could have been abbreviated as a K) and that this rule is only for LAN interfaces.
ipsecpol -w DS -p "Default Domain Policy":30 -r "Secured Servers" -f 0+SecuredServer1 0+SecuredServer2 -n ESP[MD5,DES] AH[MD5] -a KERBEROS P:ace -lan
This example sets up a local policy that would negotiate properly with the policy from the previous example (Using static mode to set up a domain policy), so it would be run on SecuredServer1 or SecuredServer2. Note the use of -x to make the policy active.
ipsecpol -w REG -r "Me to Anyone" -p "Secure My Traffic" -f 0+*
-n AH[MD5] -a P:ace -x
Updating a rule in static mode is not augmenting the existing rule. Rather, it replaces the rule's current settings with the settings you specify on the command line. For example if you take the policy from Example 5 and want to modify just the negotiation policy, you would execute:
ipsecpol -w REG -r "Me to Anyone" -p "Secure My Traffic" -n ESP[DES,SHA] AH[SHA]PFS
This would replace the original negotiation policy with the one specified above. It would not touch any of the other settings in the existing rule.