The Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit Tools Help presents an overview of the tools in the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit. Network administrators, developers, and power users will find an indispensable set of over 200 software tools for harnessing the power of the Windows 2000 network operating system to manage TCP/IP, networks, the registry, security, remote administration, configuration, batch files, and many other areas of the operating system.
These tools make working with the Windows 2000 platform even easier. Before using them, you must first install the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit on your computer.
For installation instructions, see:
Installing the Windows 2000 Resource Kits
For instructions on finding tools, see:
The following conventions for usage and notation are observed in this document:
Tools Help assumes that you are already familiar with Windows 2000. For more general information about Windows 2000, including keyboard equivalents to menu and mouse actions, see the Windows 2000 online documentation.
In this documentation, some topics include links preceded by an icon that allow you to open the tool's help or documentation file or to run the tool. For these links to work properly, the Resource Kit tools must be installed on your computer. Links to tools that require further installation are preceded by explanatory notes.
Some of these links are to Internet sites and are preceded by a icon. To use these links, you must have a World Wide Web browser (or in some cases an FTP client) installed on your computer and an Internet connection. Windows 2000 includes Microsoft Internet Explorer, which can connect to any World Wide Web or FTP link.
Links to popup glossary definitions are formatted in underlined dark green text. To copy or print a popup definition, select the popup text with the left mouse button, right-click the selected text, and on the menu that appears click Copy or Print. In the Print dialog box under Print Range, choose Selection.
For updated information, tips, articles, and other information of interest to users of the Windows 2000 Resource Kits, visit:
Windows 2000 Resource Kits Web Site
Other Internet sites related to the Windows 2000 Resource Kits are listed in:
Please send feedback, comments, or bug reports for these tools, or for any Resource Kit documentation, by electronic mail to on the Internet. If you have an Internet e-mail connection, you can click the following icon or text to send mail now: