IIS Migration Wizard Topics | Previous | Next
The IIS Migration Wizard consists of two components, the "source" and the "target." You install the source component on the computer from which you are migrating. You install the target component on the computer to which you are migrating. Two different source components are included with the wizard: one for use with Windows NT version 4.0 Server or Windows 2000 Server and one for use with a UNIX-based computer. For more information about supported target and source platforms, see IIS Migration Wizard Support Platforms and System Requirements.

Before you begin, make sure you have Administrator rights on both the source and the target computers. For more information, see Important Security Information.
This topic provides the following instructions:
Use the following procedure to install the source component onto a computer running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 Server. This should be the server from which you are migrating.
To install the Windows source component
- Log on to the source computer as Administrator.
- For migrations from Netscape Enterprise Server, make sure that Perl 5.x is installed on the source computer. The Windows version of Perl 5.x is available on the Resource Kit companion CD.
- Insert the Resource Kit companion CD into the CD-ROM drive and find the <cdroot>\apps\migrationwizard\ directory.
- Double-click IISv5MigrationUtility_x86.exe.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to install the component. When prompted, select the Install components for migration source option.
- For additional instructions, click Help at the bottom of the dialog box.
Use the following procedure to install the source component on a UNIX computer running Apache HTTP Server.
To install the UNIX source component
- Log on to the source computer as root.
- Make sure that Perl 5.x is installed on the source computer.
- Use FTP to transfer IISv5MigrationUtility-ApacheSource.tar to a temp directory on the source computer. This file is located on the Resource Kit companion CD in <cdroot>\apps\migrationwizard\.
- On the command line, either locally or from TELNET, type:
tar -x < IISv5MigrationUtility-ApacheSource.TAR

Remember that UNIX is case-sensitive.
- In the temp directory into which you extracted the tar file, type:
perl install.pl
(either locally, or from TELNET).
Once the Apache source component is installed, you can begin a migration from the target computer, as described in Running the IIS Migration Wizard.
To install the target component, you can use one of the following two procedures:
- Install it from the source computer over a Web connection. This is the preferred method.
- Install it from the Resource Kit companion CD.

The IIS Migration Wizard is designed to run on a target computer with a default configuration for Windows 2000 Server and IIS 5.0. You might encounter unexpected problems when running the wizard on a target computer with a custom configuration. For more information, see Troubleshooting the IIS Migration Wizard.
To install the target component from the source computer
- Make sure the source component is installed on the source computer and that the source Web server is running. If the source Web server is IIS 5.0, the Default Web Site must be running. If you have renamed or deleted the Default Web Site, then the Web site that appears first under the Administration Web Site in the IIS 5.0 snap-in must be running.
- Log on to the target computer as Administrator.
- Connect to http://[source]/iismu/welcome.htm, where [source] is either the computer name or the IP address of the source computer. This starts the IIS Migration Wizard.
- On the Welcome page, click Next.
- On the next page, click the link for the x86-based target platform.
- In the Internet Explorer dialog box, select an option to either open or save the file. If you select the option to open the file from its current location, the target component will be installed directly across the network. If you select the option to save the file to disk, the installation file will be saved in a location you specify. In order to install the target component, you must then double-click the installation file that you saved.
- When installation of the target component is complete, return focus to the wizard.
- Click Next to begin a migration or Cancel to close the wizard. To run a migration at a later time, select IIS Migration Wizard from Programs on the Start menu of the target computer. Before starting a migration, it is recommended that you read the information in Using the IIS Migration Wizard.
To install the target component from the Resource Kit companion CD
- Log on to the target computer as Administrator.
- Insert the Resource Kit companion CD into the CD-ROM drive and find <cdroot>\apps\migrationwizard\.
- Double-click IISv5MigrationUtility_TargetOnly_x86.exe.
- Follow the instructions on the screen. When prompted, select the target installation option.
- To begin a migration, select IIS Migration Wizard from Programs on the Start menu of the target computer. Before starting a migration, it is recommended that you read the information in Using the IIS Migration Wizard.