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GpoTool Syntax
gpotool [/gpo:GPO[,GPO…]] [/domain:DNSname] [/dc:DC[,DC…]] [/checkacl] [/verbose] [/new:GPO[,GPO...]] [/del:GPO[,GPO...]] [/?] [/help]
- /gpo:GPO[,GPO…]
- processes preferred policies GPO[,GPO…]. Partial GUID and friendly name matches are accepted for GPO. If GPO is not specified, processes all policies in the domain.
- /domain:DNSname
- specifies the DNS name for the domain hosting the policies. If not present, the user's domain is used.
- /dc:DC[,DC…]
- finds the preferred list of domain controllers DC[,DC…]. If not specified, finds all controllers in the domain.
- /checkacl
- verifies the SYSVOL ACL. For faster processing, this step is skipped by default.
- /verbose
- displays detailed information.
- /new:GPO[,GPO...]
- create new policies with the specified friendly names GPO[,GPO...].
- /del:GPO[,GPO...]
- deletes policies with the specified friendly names GPO[,GPO...].
- /? or /help
- displays this syntax screen on the command line.