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GpoTool Syntax

One Stepgpotool [/gpo:GPO[,GPO…]] [/domain:DNSname] [/dc:DC[,DC…]] [/checkacl] [/verbose] [/new:GPO[,GPO...]] [/del:GPO[,GPO...]] [/?] [/help]


processes preferred policies GPO[,GPO…]. Partial GUID and friendly name matches are accepted for GPO. If GPO is not specified, processes all policies in the domain.
specifies the DNS name for the domain hosting the policies. If not present, the user's domain is used.
finds the preferred list of domain controllers DC[,DC…]. If not specified, finds all controllers in the domain.
verifies the SYSVOL ACL. For faster processing, this step is skipped by default.
displays detailed information.
create new policies with the specified friendly names GPO[,GPO...].
deletes policies with the specified friendly names GPO[,GPO...].
/? or /help
displays this syntax screen on the command line.