Floplock.exe: Lock Floppy Disk Drives

FloppyLock is a service that allows you to control access to the floppy drives of a computer. This service can be used to help prevent unauthorized software installation or the introduction of viruses via floppy disks.

When the service is started on Windows 2000 Professional, only members of the Administrators and Power Users groups can access the floppy drives. When the service is started on Windows 2000 Server, only members of the Administrators group can access floppy drives.

FlopLock works by assigning a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) to a floppy drive. When FlopLock has the floppy drives on a machine locked, only users in the Adminstrators group can use the floppy drive(s). If the FloppyLock service is configured to start automatically, the lock stays in place even after the computer is restarted.

Installing the FloppyLock service is a separate task you must perform after you install the Resource Kit tools.

Using FloppyLock is easy. Once the FloppyLock service is installed, starting it locks the floppy drives on that computer. To unlock the drives, stop the FloppyLock service.



Full source code for floplock.exe is available on the Microsoft® Win32® Software Development Kit (SDK) compact disk, in the \q_a\sd_flppy directory

FloppyLock Topics

File Required