Fcopy.exe: File Copy Utility for Microsoft Message Queuing

Server-only: This tool is included in the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit only.

Before this link will open Fcopy.doc, you must first have installed FCopy by running Fcsetup.exe.

FCopy is a multi-server file copy tool that compresses files and folders to facilitate copying across LANs and WANs. Because it uses Message Queuing, this tool continues to copy files even if there are network problems. It includes update options which copy files only if they have been changed.

FCopy divides files into 32 kilobyte segments, compresses each segment and sends it as a Message Queuing message (in express mode). It does not need to restart when a network breakdown occurs since Message Queuing guarantees that the messages will be delivered.

FCopy's file compression uses a fast algorithm. It works well on any computer, but is most useful for slow lines; on regular Ethernet, it doesn’t affect copy speed very much unless the computer has a fast CPU. FCopy has been tested on files of more than five gigabytes, but can theoretically copy much larger files.

FCopy works with Message Queuing for Windows 2000, which is part of Microsoft® Windows® 2000, and MSMQ 1.0 for Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0, which is found on the Windows NT version 4.0 Option Pack CD-ROM.


Before running FCopy, perform the following installation steps.

  1. Install Message Queuing for Windows 2000 on your computer.
  2. Install FCopy by running:

File Required

For More Information

For more information about Message Queuing, search the
InternetMicrosoft Web site.