Expand.exe: File Expansion UtilityNEW

This command-line tool enables you to expand files that have been compressed by Compress.exe: File Compression Utility. Expand can also extract compressed files from a cabinet (.cab) file. Microsoft® Windows® 2000 includes Driver.cab, which contains thousands of files, and users can use this tool to expand one or a few from this cabinet for system recovery.

Expand Syntax

One Stepexpand [-r] Source Destination [-?]


One Stepexpand -r Source [f:Files] [Destination] [-?]


One Stepexpand -d Source.cab [-f:Files] [-?]


One Stepexpand Source.cab -f:Files Destination [-?]


renames compressed files.
displays list of files in source.
specifies the source file. The * and ? wildcard characters can be used.
lists names of files to expand from a .cab. Use f:* to expand all files from a .cab.
specifies the destination file or path. The destination can be a folder. If source contains multiple files and -r is not specified, then destination must be a folder.
shows command-line help.

Files Required