- /f:file
Store the output in a file instead of displaying it on the screen. The file name can be a full name, relative name, or UNC. If Table Mode (described below) is specified, the file is comma-delimited. If you specify Table Mode and end the file with a '.csv' extension (Comma Separated Values), it can be directly loaded into a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet.
- /e:file
- Store all error and warning messages in a file instead of displaying them on the screen. The file name can be a full name, relative name, or UNC.
- /u:user
- Only scan for and report information about a specific user. The user name should be in the format DOMAIN\USERNAME. If no domain is specified, it uses the first instance of the user it can find.
- /s
- Scan all subdirectories of the path specified.
- /t
- Output is in a table format. If the output is going to a file, the table is comma-delimited. If the output is going to the screen, the table is space-delimited.
- /w
- Unicode Output (Wide Characters). By default, all output is in ANSI characters. Use this switch if you have Unicode file names on your server and wish to have them reported in Unicode format. Unicode is still read, even if this switch is not
present. This switch only effects the output.

Most command windows cannot display Unicode characters, so the output may not be displayed correctly. If you send the output to a file, make sure that the program you are using to read the file supports Unicode as well (for example, Notepad)
- /q
- Quiet Mode. No information is displayed on the screen. If this is used without the /F switch, the program is basically useless. If this is used without the /E switch, you will not get a report of any errors or warnings.
- /? | h
- Command-line help.