Third-Party Quality of Service Control Agent Topics | Next
Tpc Syntax
You can run Third-Party Quality of Service Control Agent from the command prompt, from the Run dialog box (on the Start menu click Run), or from Windows Explorer. When run, it displays a banner and a prompt:
tpc <--
At this prompt, you can use the following command set. All commands must be typed in upper-case characters. Some of the commands take arguments as shown.
- displays this list of commands.
- exits Tpc.
- ADD -d direction -p protocol -u local_address -v local_port -x remote_address -y remote_address -f filename
- creates a session.
- shows all sessions.
- SHOW -i index
- shows one session.
- CHANGESESSION -i index -session_parameter value
- changes the context of a session.
- CHANGEQOS -i index -qos_parameter value
- changes the QoS Spec of a session.
- INVOKE -i index
- invokes QoS (RSVP + TC) for a standby session.
- UPDATE -i index
- re-invokes QoS (RSVP + TC) for an active session.
- STATUS -i index
- looks up the status of an active session.
- TERMINATE -i index
- terminates QoS support for an active session.
- DELETE -i index
- removes a standby session.
- removes all standby sessions.
The arguments for the commands above are as follows:
- index
- session index
- direction
- {send | recv}
- protocol
- {udp | tcp}
- local_address
- local IP address {A.B.C.D | default}
- local_port
- local port number
- remote_address
- remote IP address
- remote_port
- remote port number
- filename
- file containing QoS specifications (see example file) indicating:
-servicetype {controlled_load | guaranteed}
-tokenrate (value in bytes/second)
-tokenbucketsize (value in bytes)
-peakbandwidth (value in bytes/second)
-minimumpolicedsize (value in bytes)
-maxsdusize (value in bytes)
-filterstyle {fixed | wildcard | default}
-resvconfirm {0 | 1 | default}
-ttl {integer | default}
-shapediscardmode {borrow | shape | discard | dontcare}
-internalpriority {interger value in the range of 0-7 | dontcare}
- session_parameter
- any one of the session parameters
- qos_parameter
- any one of the QoS parameters