Seagate Software Crystal Reports 6.0

Seagate Crystal Reports Event Log Viewer is a full-featured report writer that provides an easy way to extract, view, save, and publish information from the Windows 2000 system, application, and security event logs in a variety of formats. Crystal Reports 6.0 adds a wide range of new features that build on the capabilities of previous versions. Integrating new Web reporting technology and advanced developer features with proven functionality ensures that Seagate Crystal Reports 6.0 can address all of your reporting needs.

Crystal Reports offers direct access to the event logs of multiple computers. It can open and manipulate existing log files (in read-only mode) and Access database files. Enhancements in this version allow more flexibility in filtering and analyzing data contained in the security event log.

Crystal Reports allows you to format and group information, then export it to a printer, word processor, or spreadsheet. It includes 12 usable reports that quickly provide information from one or multiple computers in a single report.

The main components of Crystal Reports are:

Installing Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports is not installed during Windows 2000 Resource Kit installation. To install it, use the following procedure:

To install Crystal Reports

  1. Insert the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD in your CD-ROM drive.
  2. When the setup screen appears, click Explore the CD.
  3. In the <cdroot>\apps\crystal\disk1 directory, double-click setup.exe.
  4. Follow the directions that appear on your screen.

Files Required

The files required for Crystal Reports are located on your Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.

For More Information

Seagate Software Crystal Reports is a third-party application included in the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Resource Kit. For more information, visit the Crystal Reports page on the Seagate Software Web site at:

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