Installing Cookie Munger
Cookie Munger (Ckymunge.dll) is installed by the Resource Kit setup program. To configure and use Cookie Munger, use the following procedure:
To configure and use Cookie Munger
- Copy Ckymunge.dll from the Resource Kit installation directory to a suitable location, such as <systemdrive>\InetPub\Scripts or <systemdrive>\Winnt\System32\InetSrv.
- Launch the Internet Information Services snap-in.
- In the snap-in, select a Web Site on the IIS Server that you want Cookie Munger to filter. Right-click Selected Web site, and then click Properties from the context menu.
- Select the ISAPI Filter tab and then click Add.

If you have other filters installed, the order in which they are executed might become important. Cookie Munger is a medium-priority filter.
- Type "Cookie Munger" in the Filter Name field and type in the full path to the location where you copied Ckymunge.dll (for example, type: <systemdrive>\InetPub\Scripts\ckmunge.dll)
- Next you must Disable Chunk encoding. By default, ASP transmits files to certain browsers (in particular, Internet Explorer 4.0 and later) using Transfer Chunk Encoding. This is more efficient than sending the data as straight ASCII text. However, the CkyMunge filter does not understand chunked encoding, so you must disable the encoding. To do so, open up a command window (Cmd.exe) and change your current directory to <systemdrive>\InetPub\AdminScripts
- Type adsutil.vbs set w3svc/AspEnableChunkedEncoding False on the command line and press Enter.
- Once you have finished all the steps above you must stop and restart the Web server to load the new filter into memory.