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Choice Syntax

One Stepchoice [/c[:]choices] [/n] [/s] [/t[:]c,nn] [text]


specifies allowable keys in the prompt. When displayed, the keys will be separated by commas, will appear in brackets ([]), and will be followed by a question mark. If you don't specify the /c switch, Choice uses YN as the default (which displays as [Y, N]). The colon (:) is optional.
causes Choice not to display the prompt. The text before the prompt is still displayed, however. If you specify the /n switch, the specified keys are still valid.
causes Choice to be case-sensitive. If the /s switch is not specified, Choice will accept either uppercase or lowercase for any of the keys that the user specifies.
causes Choice to pause for a specified number of seconds before defaulting to a specified key. The values for the /t switch are as follows:
specifies text you want to be displayed before the prompt. Quotation marks are necessary only if you include a switch character (/) as part of the text before the prompt. If you don't specify text, Choice displays only a prompt.